semantic-release embedded inside a container for CI jobs.
Releases applications through the semantic-release library.
pipe-semantic-release [FLAGS]
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$LOG_LEVEL | Define the log level for the application. | String enum("panic", "fatal", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace") | false | info |
$ENV_FILE | Environment files to inject. | StringSlice | false |
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$ENVIRONMENT_ENABLE | Enable environment injection. | Bool | false | false |
$ENVIRONMENT_CONDITIONS | Regex pattern to select an environment. Use either "heads/" for narrowing the search to branches or "tags/" for narrowing the search to tags. | String json([]struct{ match: RegExp, environment: string }) | false | [ { "match": "^tags/v?\d+.\d+.\d+$", "environment": "production" }, { "match": "^tags/v?\d+.\d+.\d+-.*\.\d+$", "environment": "stage" }, { "match" :"^heads/main$", "environment": "develop" }, { "match": "^heads/master$", "environment": "develop" } ] |
$ENVIRONMENT_FAIL_ON_NO_REFERENCE | Fail on missing environment references. | Bool | false | true |
$ENVIRONMENT_STRICT | Fail on no environment selected. | Bool | false | true |
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME $BITBUCKET_BRANCH | Source control branch. | String | false | |
$CI_COMMIT_TAG $BITBUCKET_TAG | Source control tag. | String | false |
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$NPM_LOGIN | NPM registries to login. | String json([]struct { username: string, password: string, registry?: string, useHttps?: bool }) | false | |
$NPM_NPMRC_FILE | .npmrc file to use. | StringSlice | false | ".npmrc" |
$NPM_NPMRC | Direct contents of .npmrc file. | String | false |
Package Manager
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$NODE_PACKAGE_MANAGER | Preferred Package manager for nodejs. | String enum("npm", "yarn", "pnpm") | false | pnpm |
Semantic Release
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$SEMANTIC_RELEASE_DRY_RUN | Run semantic-release in dry mode without making changes. | Bool | false | false |
$SEMANTIC_RELEASE_WORKSPACE | Use @qiwi/multi-semantic-release package to do a workspace release. | Bool | false | false |
docker pull cenk1cenk2/pipe-semantic-release