A very basic and dirty supervisor for multiple tasks running inside a Docker container.
some description
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$VIZIER_CONFIG | Steps to run for the application, will be ignored when configuration file is read. | String json(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cenk1cenk2/docker-vizier/main/schema.json) | false |
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$LOG_LEVEL | Define the log level for the application. | String enum("panic", "fatal", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace") | false | "info" |
$ENV_FILE | Environment files to inject. | StringSlice | false |
Flag / Environment | Description | Type | Required | Default |
$VIZIER_CONFIG_FILE | Configuration file to read from. | String json(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cenk1cenk2/docker-vizier/main/schema.json) | false |
docker pull cenk1cenk2/vizier