
By centos

Updated almost 4 years ago

MongoDB NoSQL database server



MongoDB 3.6 NoSQL Database Server container image

This repository contains Dockerfiles for MongoDB images for general usage and OpenShift. Users can choose between RHEL and CentOS based images. The RHEL image is available in the Red Hat Container Catalog as registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/mongodb-36-rhel7. The CentOS image is then available on Quay.io as centos7/mongodb-36-centos7.


This container image provides a containerized packaging of the MongoDB mongod daemon and client application. The mongod server daemon accepts connections from clients and provides access to content from MongoDB databases on behalf of the clients. You can find more information on the MongoDB project from the project Web site (https://www.mongodb.com/).


For this, we will assume that you are using the rhscl/mongodb-36-rhel7 image. If you want to set only the mandatory environment variables and store the database in the /home/user/database directory on the host filesystem, execute the following command:

$ docker run -d -e MONGODB_USER=<user> -e MONGODB_PASSWORD=<password> -e MONGODB_DATABASE=<database> -e MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD=<admin_password> -v /home/user/database:/var/lib/mongodb/data rhscl/mongodb-36-rhel7

If you are initializing the database and it's the first time you are using the specified shared volume, the database will be created with two users: admin and MONGODB_USER. After that the MongoDB daemon will be started. If you are re-attaching the volume to another container, the creation of the database user and admin user will be skipped, passwords of users will be changed and only the MongoDB daemon will be started.

Environment variables and volumes

The image recognizes the following environment variables that you can set during initialization by passing -e VAR=VALUE to the Docker run command.

Password for the admin user

Optionally you can provide settings for user with 'readWrite' role. (Note you MUST specify all three of these settings)

User name for MONGODB account to be created

Password for the user account

Database name

The following environment variables influence the MongoDB default configuration file. They are all optional.

MONGODB_QUIET (default: true) Runs MongoDB in a quiet mode that attempts to limit the amount of output.

WIREDTIGER_CACHE_SIZE Size of WiredTiger cache (value for cache_size configString option).

You can also set the following mount points by passing the -v /host:/container flag to Docker.

MongoDB data directory

Notice: When mounting a directory from the host into the container, ensure that the mounted directory has the appropriate permissions and that the owner and group of the directory matches the user UID or name which is running inside the container.

MongoDB admin user

The admin user name is set to admin and you have to to specify the password by setting the MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable.

This user has 'dbAdminAnyDatabase', 'userAdminAnyDatabase', 'readWriteAnyDatabase', 'clusterAdmin' roles (for more information see MongoDB reference).

Optional unprivileged user

The user with $MONGODB_USER name is created in database $MONGODB_DATABASE and you have to to specify the password by setting the MONGODB_PASSWORD environment variable.

This user has only 'readWrite' role in the database.

Changing passwords

Since passwords are part of the image configuration, the only supported method to change passwords for the database user (MONGODB_USER) and admin user is by changing the environment variables MONGODB_PASSWORD and MONGODB_ADMIN_PASSWORD, respectively.

Changing database passwords directly in MongoDB will cause a mismatch between the values stored in the variables and the actual passwords. Whenever a database container starts it will reset the passwords to the values stored in the environment variables.

Extending image

This image can be extended using source-to-image.

For example to build customized MongoDB database image my-mongodb-centos7 with configuration in ~/image-configuration/ run:

$ s2i build ~/image-configuration/ centos/mongodb-36-centos7 my-mongodb-centos7

The directory passed to s2i build should contain one or more of the following directories:


when running run-mongod or run-mongod-replication commands contained mongod.conf file is used for mongod configuration

- `envsubst` command is run on this file to still allow customization of
  the image using environment variables

- custom configuration file does not affect name of replica set - it has
  to be set in `MONGODB_REPLICA_NAME` environment variable

- it is not possible to configure SSL using custom configuration file

SSL/TLS certificates used to configure MongoDB server SSL/TLS support

Notice: To allow connections from internal scripts it is required to have localhost specified in SAN filed of SSL certificate.

- `mongodb.pem` - file containing a public key certificate and its
associated private key. See [upstream
(encryption of private key is not supported).

- `ca.pem` - optional file containing the root certificate chain from
the Certificate Authority. See [upstream

contained shell scripts (*.sh) are sourced before mongod server is started


contained shell scripts (*.sh) are sourced when mongod server is started for the first time (= datadir is empty)

- `run-mongod` command doesn't have enabled authentication in this phase

- `run-mongod-replication` command has enabled authentication in this phase

same sematics as mongodb-init/, except that these scripts are always sourced (after mongodb-init/ scripts, if they exist)

these scripts are skipped if run-mongod-replication is run with already initialized data directory

Variables that can be used in the scripts provided to s2i:

- `mongo_common_args` -- contains arguments for the `mongod` server (changing
this can break existing customization scripts, e.g. default scripts)

- `shell_args` -- arguments to mongo shell which should be used with every `mongo`
invocation (e.g. it's used to set parameters for SSL connection). Same as in
internal scripts, `mongo_cmd` function, which uses `shell_args`, can be used.

- `$MEMBER_ID` -- contains 'id' of the container. It is defined only in
scripts for replication (`run-mongod-replication` command) and has different
value for each container in a replicaset cluster. Customization scripts are
run by all containers in replicaset - `MEMBER_ID` can be used to write scripts
which are run only by some container.

During s2i build all provided files are copied into /opt/app-root/src directory in the new image. If some configuration files are present in destination directory, files with the same name are overwritten. Also only one file with the same name can be used for customization and user provided files are preferred over default files in /usr/share/container-scripts/mongodb/- so it is possible to overwrite them.

Same configuration directory structure can be used to customize the image every time the image is started using docker run. The directory have to be mounted into /opt/app-root/src/ in the image (-v ./image-configuration/:/opt/app-root/src/). This overwrites customization built into the image.


The mongod deamon in the container logs to the standard output, so the log is available in the container log. The log can be examined by running:

docker logs <container>

See also

Dockerfile and other sources for this container image are available on https://github.com/sclorg/mongodb-container. In that repository, Dockerfile for CentOS is called Dockerfile, Dockerfile for RHEL is called Dockerfile.rhel7.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull centos/mongodb-36-centos7