This image uses the image from sameersbn / gitlab but adds the database setup as a script.
This image uses the image from sameersbn / gitlab
but adds the database setup as a script and then running of the app itself as a command. This is useful when using the linking approach of using the DB and redis as separate containers and avoids doing the two docker run commands.
The script populates the database. Its recommended to use an image that allows you to create a database via environmental variables at docker run, like paintedfox / postgresql
or centurylink / mysql
, so the db is populated when this script runs.
The CMD launches the gitlab app. It does take a few minutes for it to come up. Use environmental variables that match your DB's creds to ensure it works.
Note : See the readme on sameersbn / gitlab
for the detailed instructions.
Example usage:
docker run --rm --name GITLAB --link DB:mysql --link redis:redisio -p 10080:80 -p 10022:22 -e "DB_USER=bob" -e "DB_PASS=pass@word" -e "DB_NAME=gitlab" -e "GITLAB_PORT=10080" -e "GITLAB_SSH_PORT=10022" centurylink/gitlab
docker pull centurylink/gitlab