
By centurylink

Updated over 9 years ago

A Docker image for ngrok, introspected tunnels to localhost.



ngrok for Docker

Heavily leveraged from fnichol/ngrok - Thank You.

Changes to the Dockerfile include:

  • Using ADD to get the zip rather than installing and running curl.
  • Leveraging the official busybox ubuntu 14.04 image
  • Changed from an ENTRYPOINT to a CMD to force use of Env Variables
  • Removed EXPOSE 4040

Example usage:

docker run --rm --name ngrok -e "HTTP_PORT=" centurylink/ngrok

Valid environmental variables are: HTTP_PORT and HTTPS_PORT

View the docker logs for the running container to see the subdomain URL(ngrok.com) assigned to access.

Detailed ngrok instructions here.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull centurylink/ngrok