Large Input Narrow Output - LINO is a simple ETL tool to manage tests data.
LINO is a simple ETL (Extract Transform Load) tools to manage tests datas.
The lino
command line tool pull test data from a relational database to create a smallest production-like database.
command line work in relative project's directory, like git
or docker
$ mkdir myproject
$ cd myproject
A DataConnector is a database connection shortcut.
$ lino dataconnector add source postgresql://postgres:sakila@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable
successfully added dataconnector {source postgresql://postgres:sakila@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable}
Lino use a connection string following an URL Schema.
Currently supported vendors are :
)The content of dataconnector.yml
generated is
version: v1
- name: source
url: postgresql://postgres:sakila@localhost:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable
LINO create a consistent sample database. To perform extraction that respect foreign keys constraints LINO have to extract relationships between tables.
Use the relation
sub-command or its short name rel
to extract relations from foreign key constraints.
$ lino relation extract source
lino finds 40 relations from constraints
The content of relations.yml
generated is
version: v1
- name: film_original_language_id_fkey
- original_language_id
name: public.language
- language_id
- name: film_language_id_fkey
At least user can edit the relations.yml
manually to add relations that are not part of the database model.
The table
action extract informations about tables.
$ lino table extract source
lino finds 15 table(s)
store the table description in table.yml
file :
version: v1
- name:
- actor_id
- name: public.address
- address_id
- name: public.category
Ingress descriptor object describe how lino
has to go through the relations to extract data test.
To create ingress descriptor use the id
sub-command with the start table of the extraction.
$ lino id create public.customer
successfully created ingress descriptor
store the new ingress descriptor in ingress-descriptor.yml
file :
version: v1
startTable: public.customer
- name: film_original_language_id_fkey
lookup: false
name: public.language
The display-plan
utilities explain the lino
's plan to extract data from database.
$ lino id display-plan
step 1 - extract rows from public.customer
step 2 - extract rows from following →customer_store_id_fkey relationship for rows extracted at step 1, then follow →store_manager_staff_id_fkey →staff_store_id_fkey relationships (loop until data exhaustion)
step 3 - extract rows from public.address following →staff_address_id_fkey relationship for rows extracted at step 2
step 4 - extract rows from following →address_city_id_fkey relationship for rows extracted at step 3
The show-graph
create a graph of tables as node and relation as edge.
$ lino id customer show-graph
open your browser to visualize graph generated.
The pull
sub-command create a json object for each line (jsonline format of the first table.
$ lino pull source
{"active":1,"activebool":true,"address_id":5,"create_date":"2006-02-14T00:00:00Z","customer_address_id_fkey":{"address":"1913 Hanoi Way","address2":"","address_city_id_fkey":{"city":"Sasebo","city_country_id_fkey":{"country":"Japan","country_id":50,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:44:00Z"},"city_id":463,"country_id":50,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:25Z"},"address_id":5,"city_id":463,"district":"Nagasaki","last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:30Z","phone":"28303384290","postal_code":"35200"},"customer_id":1,"customer_store_id_fkey":{"address_id":1,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:57:12Z","manager_staff_id":1,"store_address_id_fkey":{"address":"47 MySakila Drive","address2":null,"address_city_id_fkey":{"city":"Lethbridge","city_country_id_fkey":{"country":"Canada","country_id":20,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:44:00Z"},"city_id":300,"country_id":20,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:25Z"},"address_id":1,"city_id":300,"district":"Alberta","last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:30Z","phone":"","postal_code":""},"store_id":1,"store_manager_staff_id_fkey":{"active":true,"address_id":3,"email":"","first_name":"Mike","last_name":"Hillyer","last_update":"2006-05-16T16:13:11.79328Z","password":"8cb2237d0679ca88db6464eac60da96345513964","picture":"iVBORw0KWgo=","staff_address_id_fkey":{"address":"23 Workhaven Lane","address2":null,"address_city_id_fkey":{"city":"Lethbridge","city_country_id_fkey":{"country":"Canada","country_id":20,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:44:00Z"},"city_id":300,"country_id":20,"last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:25Z"},"address_id":3,"city_id":300,"district":"Alberta","last_update":"2006-02-15T09:45:30Z","phone":"14033335568","postal_code":""},"staff_id":1,"store_id":1,"username":"Mike"}},"email":"","first_name":"MARY","last_name":"SMITH","last_update":"2006-02-15T09:57:20Z","store_id":1}
To sample a database from a given id
list or ohter criteria LINO
can read filters from a JSON Line file with the argument --filter-from-file
Each line is a filter and lino
apply it to the start table to extract data.
argument overide filter's criteria from file.
is applied for each line in filters file. With a filters's file of N
lines and a limit of L
lino could extract a maximum of N
x L
argument is a raw SQL clause criteria (without where
keyword) applied to the start table only. It's combined with --filter
or --filter-from-file
with the and
The push
sub-command import a json line stream (jsonline format in each table, following the ingress descriptor defined in current directory.
LINO respect the UNIX philosophy and use standards input an output to share data with others tools.
Data set could be store in mongoDB easily with the mongoimport
$ lino pull source --limit 100 | mongoimport --db myproject --collection customer
and reload later to a database :
$ mongoexport --db myproject --collection customer | lino push customer --jdbc jdbc:oracle:thin:scott/tiger@target:1721:xe
tool can be used to format json lines into another tabular format (csv, markdown table, ...).
tool can be piped with the LINO output to prettify it.
$ lino pull source | jq
Pull sub field from the JSON stream
$ lino pull source --limit 3 | jq ".email"
Project subfield to produce other JSON objects
$ lino pull source --limit 3 | jq '{ "manager": .customer_store_id_fkey.store_manager_staff_id_fkey.first_name , "customer_email" : .email }'
"manager": "Mike",
"customer_email": ""
"manager": "Mike",
"customer_email": ""
"manager": "Mike",
"customer_email": ""
Download the last binary release in your path.
Copyright (C) 2021 CGI France
LINO is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
LINO is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LINO. If not, see
docker pull cgifr/lino