
By cgswong

Updated about 6 years ago

AWS, S3 and RDS CLI image based on Alpine Linux (44 MB - 240 MB depending on tag/images used).



What is docker-aws

Circle CI

Docker image for running the Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface and s3cmd. It creates a Docker image containing all dependencies needed to run aws and s3cmd. That way, you can run these tools in a Docker container without setting the dependencies on the host system.

How to use

There are specific CLI tools within the full range of the AWS CLI tool chain. Each of these has been mapped to a branch and tag so if you only need a specific CLI tool and/or have image size concerns there is something here to meet your needs. If you want all the AWS tool goodies, i.e. AWS CLI, RDS CLI, and S3CMD, then select the master branch with the latest tag in Docker Hub. Below are the mappings and usages:

GitHub BranchDocker TagUsage Example
masterlatestdocker run -it cgswong/aws:latest
awsawsdocker run -it cgswong/aws:aws
s3cmds3cmddocker run -it cgswong/aws:s3cmd
rdsrdsdocker run -it cgswong/aws:rds

The master/latest starts a bash shell so you can use whatever tool you need. For the other containers they will start with the --version flag which shows the version for the respective CLI tool. Simply specify whatever options you need for the respective tool (this will replace the default --version flag).


  • You can check the file in the repository as to what version of the AWS CLI is being used.
  • AWS has deprecated the RDS CLI and as such I am no longer maintaining that branch. The main AWS CLI should now be used.

Build from Source

  1. Make sure Docker is installed.

  2. Clone docker-aws from GitHub

    git clone
  3. Build the docker image

    cd docker-aws
    docker build -t [your_name]/aws:latest .
  4. Run a docker container with that image

    docker run -it [your_name]/aws:latest

AWS Credentials

There are three primary methods for setting up your AWS credentials:

  1. Run the setup using the container, i.e. when you run the CLI tools for the first time, you need to configure the aws cli with your AWS credentials. For example:

    / # aws configure
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: [YOUR_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID_HERE]
    Default region name [None]: [YOUR_AWS_REGION_HERE]
    Default output format [None]: [YOUR_AWS_OUTPUT_FORMAT_HERE]
  2. The volume /root/.aws has been exposed within the image for external access. Therefore you can mount the AWS credential file to the container:

    docker run --volume ~/.aws:/root/.aws cgswong/aws:latest aws [some_command]
  3. By configuring your EC2 instances to make use of IAM Roles, the AWS CLI tools can then transparently make use of this role. Note however, that not all CLI tools can currently leverage this functionality, namely some of the RDS tools.

Getting started with the AWS CLI and s3tools

For documentation on the AWS CLI, see the AWS command line interface documentation and the aws-cli GitHub page. For S3 tools, see the S3 tools documentation.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cgswong/aws