Confluent Platform Kafka MirrorMaker
This is a highly configurable Dockerized Kafka MirrorMaker image.
The container can be configured via environment variables where any MirrorMaker property can be set after mm_
, producer configurations after mm_pd_
and consumer configurations after mm_cs_
with underscore instead of period ('.') used in all cased as the alternate separator. For example:
Environment Variable | Property | Default |
mm_streams | streams | 2 |
mm_topics | topics | .* |
mm_cs_group_id | | mirrormaker |
mm_pd_client_id | | mirrormaker |
mm_cs_zookeeper_connect | zookeeper.connect | ZOOKEEPER_PORT_2181_TCP_ADDR:ZOOKEEPER_PORT_2181_TCP_PORT |
mm_pd_compression_codec | compression.codec | snappy |
mm_pd_metadata_broker_list | | KAFKA_PORT_9092_TCP_ADDR:KAFKA_PORT_9092_TCP_PORT |
mm_pd_producer_type | producer.type | async |
mm_pd_request_required_acks | request.required.acks | 1 |
A few sensible, and some opinionated values, have been set as given above. A basic invocation using a link to local ZooKeeper and Kafka instances would be:
docker run --rm --name mirrormaker --link zookeeper:zookeeper --link kafka:kafka cgswong/confluent-mirrormaker
The config directory, /etc/kafka-mirrormaker
, is exposed for mounting to your local host. This facilitates using your own configuration files,
instead of injecting into the container, while still take advantage of variable substitution. Also, you can download remote properties files by setting the environment variables mm_pd_cfg_url
and mm_cs_cfg_url
to the location of the producer and consumer properties files respectively.
This image is a fork of the main ConfluentInc Platform. As I do contribute back you may see some of these features included, however, some may not be included or take longer to be merged. I created this version not only to contribute back to a really good project, but also to learn, and have a version which was more robust (production ready since this is being used as such), with a more timely update cycle (for the time being anyways).
docker pull cgswong/confluent-mirrormaker