
By cgswong

Updated over 8 years ago

Confluent Platform Tools



Confluent Platform Tools

Provides command line tools for the Confluent Platform.

How to use this image

Typically you would link the container, either on a local machine or a remote machine, to ZooKeeper, Kafka, and Schema Registry instances. The below is an example locally linked invocation:

docker run -it --rm --link zookeeper:zookeeper --link kafka:kafka --link schema_registry:schema_registry cgswong/confluent-tools \
  kafka-avro-console-consumer --property print.key=true --topic test --from-beginning


This image is a fork of the main ConfluentInc Platform. As I do contribute back you may see some of these features included, however, some may not be included or take longer to be merged. I created this version not only to contribute back to a really good project, but also to learn, and have a version which was more robust (production ready since this is being used as such), with a more timely update cycle (for the time being anyways).

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cgswong/confluent-tools