
By cgswong

Updated over 9 years ago

An Elasticsearch (search database) container, typically part of an ELK stack (~766MB)



ElasticSearch Dockerfile

This is a highly configurable ElasticSearchDocker image built using Docker's automated build process published to the public Docker Hub Registry.

It is usually the back-end for a Logstash instance with Kibana as the frontend forming what is commonly referred to as an ELK stack.

How to use this image

To start a basic container using ephemeral storage:

docker run --name %p \
  --publish 9200:9200 \
  --publish 9300:9300 \

Within the container the volume /var/lib/elasticsearch is exposed. It contains the sub-directories for data, log and config. To start a default container with attached persistent/shared storage for data:

mkdir -p /es/data
docker run --rm --name %p
  --publish 9200:9200 \
  --publish 9300:9300 \
  --volume /var/lib/elasticsearch/data:/var/lib/elasticsearch/data \

Attaching persistent storage ensures that the data is retained across container restarts (with some obvious caveats). It is recommended this be done instead via a data container, preferably hosted an AWS S3 bucket or other externalized, distributed persistent storage.

Available Features

A few plugins are installed:

  • BigDesk: Provides live charts and statistics for an Elasticsearch cluster. You can open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:9200/_plugin/bigdesk/ it will open Bigdesk and auto-connect to the ES node. You will need to change the localhost and 9200 port to the correct values for your environment/setup.

  • Elasticsearch Head: A web front end for an Elasticsearch cluster. Open http://localhost:9200/_plugin/head/ and it will run it as a plugin within the Elasticsearch cluster.

  • Curator: Helps with management of indices.

  • AWS Cloud - Allows usage of AWS API for unicast discovery and S3 repositories for snapshots.

Additional Configuration

Environment variables are accepted as a means to provide further configuration by reading those starting with ES_. Any matching variables will get added to Elasticsearch's configuration file, `elasticsearch.yml' by:

  1. Removing the ES_ prefix
  2. Transforming to lower case
  3. Replacing occurrences of _ with ., except where there is a double (__) which is replaced by a single (_).

For example, an environment variable ES_CLUSTER_NAME=lscluster will result in within elasticsearch.yml. Similarly, ES_CLOUD_AWS_ACCESS__KEY=GHKDFIADFNADFIADFKJG would result in within elasticsearch.yml.

You can also import your own configuration file by setting ES_CFG_URL to a valid URL. The environment variable substitution can then also be used on your file as well.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cgswong/elasticsearch