
By cgswong

Updated over 9 years ago

Kafka Mirrormaker (w/SSH tunnel functionality)



Docker Kafka MirrorMaker

Docker container that runs Kafka's MirrorMaker - a service which acts as both a consumer and producer to replicate, or mirror messages from one Kafka cluster (source/consumer) to another (destination/producer). Setting up a mirror is easy - simply start up the MirrorMaker processes after bringing up the source and target clusters. At a minimum, MirrorMaker takes one or more consumer configurations, a producer configuration and either a whitelist or a blacklist. You need to point the consumer to the source cluster's ZooKeeper, and the producer to the mirror cluster's Kafka Brokers (note that transparently ZooKeeper will still be used).


The container expects the following environment variables to be passed in:

  • MM_CS_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT - Comma delimited list of ZooKeeper hosts for source, including port and chroot (format [ip/hostname]:[port]). Bear in mind any chroot used should only be used on the last ZooKeeper entry, for example MM_CS_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=,,
  • MM_PD_METADATA_BROKER_LIST - Brokers to receive mirrored messages.

The following MirrorMaker settings can also be used:

  • MM_WHITE_LIST - List of topics to include in mirroring. Defaults to all, i.e. ".*". Mutually exclusive with MM_BLACK_LIST.
  • MM_BLACK_LIST - (optional) List of topics to exclude from mirroring. Mutually exclusive with MM_WHITE_LIST.
  • MM_PRODUCERS - Number of producer threads to use in writing messages to the destination cluster. Defaults to 1. Increase for better write throughput (up to the total number of partitions).
  • MM_STREAMS - Number of consumer streams to use in reading topic messages. Defaults to 1. Increase for better read throughout, though note that your partition count should be greater than or equal to the total number of consumers, including MirrorMaker otherwise warning messages will occur.

Any consumer or producer setting can be set via Docker environment variable substitution using the prefix MM_CS_ for consumer settings and MM_PD_ for producer settings, ensuring upper case and underscore (instead of periods) are used for the appropriate variable. For example to set the consumer setting for auto.offset.reset=largest you would use MM_CS_AUTO_OFFSET_RESET=largest; for the producer setting for request.required.acks=1 use MM_PD_REQUEST_REQUIRED_ACKS=1. The following are some default settings:

  • MM_CS_GROUP_ID - Consumer side string to uniquely identify a group of consumer processes. Defaults to mm-1.
  • MM_PD_CLIENT_ID - Producer side string sent in each request to help trace calls. Defaults to mm-1.

You can also use your own consumer and producer configuration files via a volume mount, for example -v $PWD/mirrormaker-consumer.config:/etc/kafka-mirrormaker/mirrormaker-consumer.config -v $PWD/mirrormaker-producer.config:/etc/kafka-mirrormaker/mirrormaker-producer.config, or download URL using MM_CS_CFG_URL for the consumer and MM_PD_CFG_URL for the producer. Within your files you can also take advantage of the same variable substitution.

Basic command

Assuming the source Kafka ZooKeeper is running on a node with IP and the default 2181 port, with the destination Kafka Broker on another node with IP and default port 9092:

docker run --name mirrormaker -e MM_CS_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT= -e MM_PD_METADATA_BROKER_LIST= cgswong/mirrormaker-ssh

A more complex setup with a source Kafka ZooKeeper cluster running on a nodes, and at the default 2181 port under /chroot/kafka, with a destination Kafka cluster on nodes, and with default port 9092 and setting a few MirrorMaker, consumer and producer settings:

docker run --name mirrormaker -e MM_CS_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=,, -e MM_PD_METADATA_BROKER_LIST=,, -e MM_STREAMS=3 -e MM_PRODUCERS=3 -e MM_CS_GROUP_ID=mirrormaker -e MM_PD_CLIENT_ID=mirrormaker -e MM_PD_REQUEST_REQUIRED_ACKS=1 -e MM_WHITE_LIST="mm-test" cgswong/mirrormaker-ssh
Loading additional consumer configruations

To use multiple consumer configurations you would use a volume mount (-v $PWD:/etc/kafka-mirrormaker) containing your additional consumer configuration file and make reference to the additional file as an additional MirrorMaker command line option:

docker run --name mirrormaker -e MM_CS_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT= -e MM_PD_METADATA_BROKER_LIST= -v $PWD:/etc/kafka-mirrormaker cgswong/mirrormaker-ssh --consumer.config /etc/kafka-mirrormaker/mirrormaker-consumer2.config

In the above mirrormaker-consumer2 is the name of your provided 2nd consumer configuration file provided from your Docker host volume mount.

MirrorMaker Documentation

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cgswong/mirrormaker