
By chrll

Updated over 1 year ago

Docker image running MyImouto, using Ubuntu:16.04 and Nginx.



Repository: docker-myimouto

MyImouto is a booru image board, a clone of Moebooru for PHP. It was abandoned by its creator, but its still usable.

This is a Docker image based on Ubuntu 16.04 with the nginx server.


  • It uses a fork of MyImouto with the last version released by its creator.
  • Based on Ubuntu LTS Xenial Xerus - 16.04
  • Nginx server installed and configured.
  • It only requires a MySQL server.
  • It includes a docker-compose.yaml file to install it along with a mysql:5.6 container.
  • The admin username and password, along with the base settings can be set using environment variables
  • The config folder contains the config.php, where more settings can be configured.

How to build

git clone
cd docker-myimouto

docker build -t myimouto .

Environment variables

  • TZ: The timezone assigned to the container (default UTC)
  • MAX_FILESIZE: The max file size used for Nginx and php (default "50M")
  • POST_MAX_SIZE: The max post size used for PHP (default "250M")
  • DISPLAY_ERRORS: PHP's option to display errors (default "On")
  • MYSQL_SERVER: The address of the MySQL server (default "")
  • MYSQL_PORT: The port used by the MySQL server (default "3306")
  • MYSQL_DATABASE: The name of the database used by myimouto (default "myimouto")
  • MYSQL_USERNAME: The name of the mysql user (default "root")
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD: The name of the mysql user (default "mysqlpassword")
  • APP_NAME: The name of this booru. (default "my.imouto")
  • SERVER_HOST: Host name. Must not include scheme (http(s)://) nor trailing slash. (default "")
  • URL_BASE: This is the same as SERVER_HOST but includes scheme. (default "")
  • ADMIN_USERNAME: The username for the admin (default "admin")
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD: The password for the admin (default "password")


  • /srv/myimouto/public/data: Images, thumbnail, etc.
  • /config: Path for the dir containing the config.php file.


  • 3000: Default web port used by MyImouto


Docker Compose

Docker compose is the recommended way to run this image. It will also install a mysql:5.6 container. Edit the docker-compose.yaml with your preferences and run the following command:

docker-compose up -d
Command line

You can also use the following command:

mkdir data config
docker run -d --name myimouto \
  -p 3000:3000 \
  -v $(pwd)/data:/srv/myimouto/public/data \
  -v $(pwd)/config:/config \
  -e MYSQL_SERVER=<your mysql server> \
  -e MYSQL_USERNAME=root \
  -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=<put the mysql password here> \
  -e ADMIN_USERNAME=admin \
  -e ADMIN_PASSWORD=<put the myimouto admin password here> \
  -e TZ=UTC \
  -e URL_BASE= \


Docker Pull Command

docker pull chrll/myimouto