
By chsa

Updated about 8 years ago

ADEI is a dynamic web interface to browse large archives with time-series data.



What is ADEI

ADEI (Advanced Data Extraction Infrastracture) is a dynamic web interface facilitating browsing and extraction of time-series data from various data sources. It is originally developed at Institute for Data Processing and Electronics at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology to provide operators and scientists access to control data of several running experiments.

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links

How to use this image

ADEI image will run 2 services: apache and cron. Cron will periodically poll the source database for new data and aggregate statistics in the MySQL caching database. The apache web server will run ADEI web interface. This image does not include required caching MySQL database. Either existing MySQL should be used or standard MySQL container linked in.

Start container with existing caching database

$ docker run -p 80:80 --name some-adei -e MYSQL_SERVER=mysql_server -e MYSQL_USER=adei -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=adei -e MYSQL_DATABASE=adei -d chsa/adei

... where mysql_server is a name or ip of the server running MySQL, MYSQL_USER / MYSQL_PASSWORD specifies credentials to access the server, and MYSQL_DATABASE specifies the database where cached data would be stored. The specified user should have a full access to the specified database on the server.

Start container linked to the MySQL container:

$ docker run -p 80:80 --link adei-mysql:adei-mysql -d chsa/adei

... where MySQL container should be started with

$ docker run --name adei-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD="secret" -e MYSQL_DATABASE="adei" -e MYSQL_USER="adei" -e MYSQL_PASSWORD="adei" -d mysql:5.7

... the credentials and database might be set freely and passed to ADEI container with MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_DATABASE parameters

Start using mapping on different port

The port should be specified to ADEI using the environmental variable

$ docker run -p 8000:80 -e ADEI_PORTS=8000 --link adei-mysql:adei-mysql -d chsa/adei

Environment Variables

  • ADEI_SETUP - specifies the default ADEI configuration to run
  • ADEI_ENABLED_SETUPS - specifies all ADEI configurations to cache
  • ADEI_PORTS - lists the host ports which users will use to access ADEI
  • ADEI_PARALLEL - specifies required parallelization for caching, either on the groups (tables), sources (databases), or servers
  • ADEI_REVISION - request to branch the specific ADEI revision (otherwise the latest version will be branched from repository)
  • APACHE_SERVERS - sets the limit on the number of running Apache processes (0 keeps default)
  • MYSQL_SERVER - caching MySQL server to connect
  • MYSQL_PORT - used to specify if MySQL is running on non-standard port
  • MYSQL_USER - the credentials to use to connect the MySQL server
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD - the password for MySQL user
  • MYSQL_DATABASE - the caching database


  • /adei/src - adei sources
  • /adei/cfg - adei setups and configuration
  • /adei/sys - adei caching scripts to override default ones
  • /adei/tmp - various temporary files generated by ADEI interface and caching service
  • /var/log/apache2 - Apache lgos
  • /var/spool/mail - Logs of caching daemon

Docker Pull Command

docker pull chsa/adei