Common dependencies for data science workflows
If you are reading this README on DockerHub, then the links to files in the GitHub repository will be broken. Please read this documentation from GitHub instead.
This repository defines the "civisanalytics/datascience-python" Docker image. This Docker image provides an environment with data science tools from the Python ecosystem. This image is the execution environment for Python jobs in the Civis data science platform, and it includes the Civis Python API client.
Either build the Docker image locally
docker build -t datascience-python .
or download the image from DockerHub
docker pull civisanalytics/datascience-python:latest
The latest
tag (Docker's default if you don't specify a tag)
will give you the most recently-built version of the datascience-python
image. You can replace the tag latest
with a version number such as 1.0
to retrieve a reproducible environment.
Inside the datascience-python Docker image, Python packages are installed in the root
environment. For a full list of included Python libraries, see the
requirements-core.txt file.
To start a Docker container from the datascience-python image and interact with it from a bash prompt, use
docker run -i -t civisanalytics/datascience-python:latest /bin/bash
You can run a Python command with
docker run civisanalytics/datascience-python:latest python -c "import pandas; print(pandas.__version__)"
The image contains environment variables which allow you to find the current version. There are four environment variables defined:
VERSION contains the full version string, e.g., "1.0.3". VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, and VERSION_MICRO each contain a single integer.
The joblib
library enhances multiprocessing
capabilities for scientific Python computing. In particular, the scikit-learn
library uses joblib
for parallelization. This Docker image sets joblib
default location for staging temporary files to the /tmp directory.
The normal default is /shm. /shm is a RAM disk which defaults to a 64 MB size
in Docker containers, too small for typical scientific computing.
python -m venv .venv
.source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-full.txt
See CONTRIBUTING for information about contributing to this project.
If you make any changes, be sure to build a container to verify that it successfully completes:
docker build -t datascience-python:test .
and describe any changes in the change log.
This repo has autobuild enabled. Any PR that is merged to master will
be built as the latest
tag on DockerHub.
Once you are ready to create a new version, go to the "releases" tab of the repository and click
"Draft a new release". GitHub will prompt you to create a new tag, release title, and release
description. The tag should use semantic versioning in the form "vX.X.X"; "major.minor.micro".
The title of the release should be the same as the tag. Include a change log in the release description.
Once the release is tagged, DockerHub will automatically build three identical containers, with labels
"major", "major.minor", and "major.minor.micro".
See for details.
docker pull civisanalytics/datascience-python