
By cloudamqp

Updated about 3 hours ago

LavinMQ - Lightweight and fast AMQP (0-9-1) server

Message Queues


Quick reference

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What is LavinMQ?

A message queue server that implements the AMQP 0-9-1 protocol. Written in Crystal.

Aims to be very fast, has low RAM requirements, handles very long queues, many connections, and requires minimal configuration.



Fetch and run the latest version with:

docker run --rm -it -P -v /var/lib/lavinmq:/tmp/amqp cloudamqp/lavinmq

You are then able to visit the management UI at http://localhost:15672 and start publishing/consuming messages to amqp://guest:guest@localhost.


In Linux, perf is the tool of choice when tracing and measuring performance.

To see which syscalls that are made use:

perf trace -p $(pidof lavinmq)

To get a live analysis of the mostly called functions, run:

perf top -p $(pidof lavinmq)

A more detailed tutorial on perf is available here.

In OS X the app, Instruments that's bundled with Xcode can be used for tracing.

Memory garbage collection can be diagnosed with boehm-gc environment variables.

LavinMQ with various plattforms

All AMQP client libraries work with LavinMQ and there are AMQP client libraries for almost every platform on the market. Here are guides for a couple of common plattforms.

  1. Ruby
  2. Node.js
  3. Java
  4. Python
  5. PHP
  6. Crystal

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cloudamqp/lavinmq