
By clover

Updated almost 4 years ago




Memcached docker image

Memcached optimizes specific high-load serving applications that are designed to take advantage of its versatile no-locking memory access system.

This image is based on official memcached package for Ubuntu and is built on top of clover/base.

Environment variables
EnvironmentDefault valueDescription
MEMCACHED_TCP_PORT11211TCP port to listen on
MEMCACHED_UDP_PORT11211UDP port to listen on (0 is off)
MEMCACHED_ENABLE_SHUTDOWNnot setEnable shutdown command
MEMCACHED_MEMORY_LIMIT64Item memory in megabytes
MEMCACHED_DISABLE_EVICTIONSnot setReturn error on memory exhausted instead of evicting
MEMCACHED_CONN_LIMIT1024Max simultaneous connections
MEMCACHED_VERBOSEnot setVerbosity level 1, 2 or 3
MEMCACHED_SLAB_GROWTH_FACTOR1.25Chunk size growth factor
MEMCACHED_SLAB_MIN_SIZE48Min space used for key+value+flags in bytes
MEMCACHED_ENABLE_LARGEPAGESnot setTry to use large memory pages (if available)
MEMCACHED_THREADS4Number of threads to use
MEMCACHED_MAX_REQS_PER_EVENT20Maximum number of requests per event, limits the requests processed per connection to prevent starvation
MEMCACHED_DISABLE_CASnot setDisable use of CAS (compare-and-swap)
MEMCACHED_LISTEN_BACKLOG1024Set the backlog queue limit
MEMCACHED_PROTOCOLautoProtocol, one of the ascii, binary or auto
MEMCACHED_MAX_ITEM_SIZE1mbAdjusts max item size (min: 1k, max: 128m)
MEMCACHED_ENABLE_SASLnot setTurn on Sasl authentication
MEMCACHED_DISABLE_FLUSH_ALLnot setDisable flush_all command
MEMCACHED_DISABLE_DUMPINGnot setDisable stats cachedump and lru_crawler metadump
MEMCACHED_EXTENDEDnot setComma separated list of extended options, most options have a 'no_' prefix to disable, see memcached --help for a list of available options

Docker Pull Command

docker pull clover/memcached