
By clue

Updated almost 7 years ago

kpcli is a command line interface (interactive shell) to work with KeePass database files.




kpcli is a command line interface (interactive shell) to work with KeePass database files. This is a docker image that eases setup.

kpcli screenshot


This docker image is available as a trusted build on the docker index, so there's no setup required. Using this image for the first time will start a download automatically. Further runs will be immediate, as the image will be cached locally.

The recommended way to run this container looks like this:

$ docker run -it --rm -v /home/me/secret.kdb:/data/keepass.kdb --net=none clue/kpcli

While this might seem complicated at first, it's a rather common setup following docker's conventions:

  • -it will run an interactive session that can be terminated with CTRL+C
  • --rm will run a temporary session that will make sure to remove the container on exit
  • -v {AbsolutePathToKeepassFile}:/data/keepass.kdb should be passed to mount the given KeePass file into the container
  • --net=none should be passed to disable any and all network access, just in case
  • clue/kpcli the name of this docker image

You can supply any number of kpcli arguments that will be passed through unmodified.

$ docker run -it --rm clue/kpcli --help
KeePass file

If you mount a file to /data/keepass.kdb (as in the above example), it will automatically be open'ed as the KeePass file. You can supply any other path like this:

Key file

If you mount a file to /data/keepass.key, it will automatically be used as a key file. You can supply any other path like this:


Docker Pull Command

docker pull clue/kpcli