
By codercom

Updated 7 days ago

VS Code in the browser



Run VS Code on any machine anywhere and access it through the browser.

  • Code anywhere: Code on your Chromebook, tablet, and laptop with a consistent dev environment. Develop on a Linux machine and pick up from any device with a web browser.
  • Server-powered: Take advantage of large cloud servers to speed up tests, compilations, downloads, and more. Preserve battery life when you're on the go since all intensive tasks runs on your server. Make use of a spare computer you have lying around and turn it into a full development environment.

See for more docs.

Example usage:

# This will start a code-server container and expose it at
# It will also mount your current directory into the container as `/home/coder/project`
# and forward your UID/GID so that all file system operations occur as your user outside
# the container.
# Your $HOME/.config is mounted at $HOME/.config within the container to ensure you can
# easily access/modify your code-server config in $HOME/.config/code-server/config.json
# outside the container.
mkdir -p ~/.config
docker run -it --name code-server -p \
  -v "$HOME/.config:/home/coder/.config" \
  -v "$PWD:/home/coder/project" \
  -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \

We use the following open source dependencies in this image:

Docker Pull Command

docker pull codercom/code-server