With binaries:
# dry run mode
acme-fixer -i ./my/path/acme.json -d
# without dry run
acme-fixer -i ./my/path/acme.json
With Docker:
# dry run mode
docker run -v $PWD/letsencrypt:/letsencrypt containous/acme-fixer:v0.1.0 -i /letsencrypt/acme.json -d
# without dry run
docker run -v $PWD/letsencrypt:/letsencrypt containous/acme-fixer:v0.1.0 -i /letsencrypt/acme.json
With binaries:
# dry run mode
acme-fixer -i ./my/path/acme.json -d --v2
# without dry run
acme-fixer -i ./my/path/acme.json --v2
With Docker:
# dry run mode
docker run -v $PWD/letsencrypt:/letsencrypt containous/acme-fixer:v0.1.0 -i /letsencrypt/acme.json -d --v2
# without dry run
docker run -v $PWD/letsencrypt:/letsencrypt containous/acme-fixer:v0.1.0 -i /letsencrypt/acme.json --v2
docker pull containous/acme-fixer