
By containous

Updated over 4 years ago

Myrmica Lobicornis - Update and Merge Pull Request



Myrmica Lobicornis - Update and Merge Pull Request

GitHub releaseBuild StatusDocker Build Status


The bot:

  • find all open PRs with a specific label (marker.needMerge)
  • manage all the repositories of a user or an organization
  • take one PR
    • with a specific label (marker.mergeInProgress) if exists
    • or the least recently updated PR
  • verify:
    • GitHub checks (CI, ...)
    • "Mergeability"
    • Reviews (minReview)
  • check if the PR need to be updated
    • if yes: rebase or merge with the base PR branch (ex: master)
  • merge the PR with the chosen merge method. (mergeMethod, marker.mergeMethodPrefix)
  • closes related issues and add the same milestone as the PR
  • if errors occurs add a specific label (marker.needHumanMerge)
  • if the description of the PR contains a co-author (Co-authored-by: login <>) the co-author is set on the merge commit.
Myrmica Lobicornis:
  -config string
        Path to the configuration file. (default "./lobicornis.yml")
  -h    Show this help.
        Run as a web server.
        Display version information.

GITHUB_TOKEN: GitHub token

Configuration file overview:

  # can be organization name or user name.
  user: foo
  # GitHub token.
  token: XXXX
  # optional only for GitHub Enterprise. 

  # Git user email.
  # Git user name.
  userName: botname
  # if true, use SSH instead HTTPS.
  ssh: false

  # server port. (only used in server mode)
  port: 80

  # Debug mode.
  debug: false
  # Dry run mode.
  dryRun: true

# GitHub Labels.
  # Label use when a pull request need a lower minimal review as default.
  lightReview: bot/light-review
  # Label use when the bot update the PR (merge/rebase).
  mergeInProgress: status/4-merge-in-progress
  # Use to override default merge method for a PR.
  mergeMethodPrefix: bot/merge-method-
  # Use to manage merge retry.
  mergeRetryPrefix: bot/merge-retry-
  # Label use when the bot cannot perform a merge.
  needHumanMerge: bot/need-human-merge
  # Label use when you want the bot perform a merge.
  needMerge: status/3-needs-merge
  # Label use when a PR must not be merge.
  noMerge: bot/no-merge

# Merge retry configuration.
  # Time between retry.
  interval: 1m0s
  # Number of retry before failed.
  number: 1
  # Retry on PR mergeable state (GitHub information).
  onMergeable: false
  # Retry on GitHub checks (aka statuses).
  onStatuses: false

# default configuration used by all repositories of the user.
  # Use GitHub repository configuration to check the need to be up-to-date.
  checkNeedUpToDate: false
  # Forcing need up-to-date. (checkNeedUpToDate must be false)
  forceNeedUpToDate: true
  # Default merge method. (merge|squash|rebase|ff)
  mergeMethod: squash
  # Minimal number of review (light review).
  minLightReview: 0
  # Minimal number of review.
  minReview: 1
  # Forcing PR to have a milestone.
  needMilestone: true
  # Add a comment in the pull request when an error occurs.
  addErrorInComment: false
  # When the merge method is squash, define the strategy to create the commit message. (github|empty|description)
  commitMessage: empty

# defines override of the default configuration by repository.
    minLightReview: 1
    minReview: 3
    needMilestone: true
    minLightReview: 1
    minReview: 1
    needMilestone: false


export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx
export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx
lobicornis -server
export GITHUB_TOKEN=xxx
lobicornis -config="./my-config.yml"

What does Myrmica Lobicornis mean?

Myrmica Lobicornis

Docker Pull Command

docker pull containous/lobicornis