
By convenia

Updated about 9 hours ago

A simple way to run PHP applications



Convenia PHP Full Image

This image was built by the Convenia team in order to get some PHP applications running in the simplest way. This image can be used for production and development.

How to use

All you need to do is creating a docker-compose.yml like this in your project root directory:

version: '3.3'
    image: convenia/php-full:latest
    container_name: application
      - .:/var/www/app
      - 80:80

The container will try to serve the application inside the "public" directory then if your application does not have a public directory you can override the nginx config to look at the correct location

Change User and Group

The application will run with the user "app" by default. This user has the id and group 1000. We can change the id running this commands at our own Dockerfile:

RUN addgroup -S -g 2000 newone && adduser -u 2000 -G newone -D newone && \
    sed -i 's/app/newone/g' /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf && \
    chown -R newone:newone /var/www/app

This line will create a new group and user with the chosen ID then it will start php-fpm with this user and group.


The image build runs every week in order to ensure that all software are up to date and we keep the Docker Hub scan to ensure that our image is free of vulnerabilities.

IMPORTANT: Make sure to block the 9000 port to avoid exposing the fpm entrypoint. We keep fpm listening only requests from localhost(container) but make sure of block the 9000 port on any firewall. Avoid Docker "network driver host" at all cost!!

Change Nginx Configuration

The nginx configuration can be found here. Usually we need to override this configuration for some reason.

We can override nginx configuration at build time by coping a new onfiguration over the default one

FROM convenia/php-full:latest

COPY ./local-path-to-config/new-default.conf /etc/nginx/http.d/default.conf</pre>

Or we can override the default configuration at mount time:

version: '3.3'
    image: convenia/php-full
    container_name: application
      - ./local-path-to-config/new-default.conf:/etc/nginx/http.d/default.conf
      - 80:80
How to cron

The image contains the cron binary then lets take a look how easy would be to spawn the Laravel Scheduler for example:

  1. First step would be add the crontab file at your project with this content:
* * * * * php /var/www/app/artisan schedule:run
  1. Second step would be place the crontab file on the default cron directory:
FROM convenia/php-full:8.3

ADD . /var/www/app

COPY crontab /etc/crontabs/root
  1. Build the image
docker build -t easycron .
  1. Now we just need to execute the cron command:
docker run --rm easycron crond -l 2 -f

PHP version 8.3

  • We removed Imagick extension. If you wish to use Imagick extension add to your Dockerfile.
  • PHP version to 8.3

PHP version 8.4

  • Nginx changed to 1.26.2
  • PHP version to 8.4
  • expose_php directive disabled in the default php pool configuration
  • added extension mysqli

For any suggestion or bug try to open an issue on github or send a tweet to us

Docker Pull Command

docker pull convenia/php-full