Couchbase Autonomous Operator for Kubernetes
The Couchbase Autonomous Operator makes the easiest to manage data platform even easier by providing native Kubernetes integration with Couchbase. It automates administrative tasks and operational best practices while maintaining full data platform capabilities from within and across clouds and on-premises deployments.
Couchbase Autonomous Operator extends the Kubernetes API to create, configure and manage instances of complex stateful applications on behalf of a Kubernetes user. It builds upon the basic Kubernetes resource and controller concepts, but also includes domain an application-specific knowledge to automate common tasks better managed by computers.
Use the Couchbase Autonomous Operator to deploy Couchbase Server alongside your cloud-native applications in public, private, and multi-cloud environments without sacrificing the the portability and manageability of your data. By automating the management of common Couchbase tasks such as the configuration, creation, scaling, and recovery of Couchbase clusters, you can focus on the desired outcome rather than worrying about the details of manual deployment and lifecycle management.
You can install the Couchbase Autonomous Operator on your existing Kubernetes cluster, or you can easily try it out on your computer using tools like Minikube.
See the official documentation for system requirements and detailed setup instructions:
Couchbase Autonomous Operator is part of Couchbase’s enterprise suite of products. You can find licensing details on the Couchbase Legal Agreements Page page under “License Agreement.”
As detailed in the License Agreement referenced above, it is available free of charge for unlimited pre-production development and testing with support only from our Couchbase Forums.
docker pull couchbase/operator