The Couchbase Autonomous Operator provides automated backup and restores capabilities through native integration with the Couchbase Server tool cbbackupmgr.
The couchbase/operator-backup image contains the cbbackupmgr tool. Automated backup is enabled in the CouchbaseCluster resource. The configuration allows you to specify a couchbase/operator-backup container image.
Once an automated backup is enabled, individual backup policies can be configured using CouchbaseBackup resources, which define things like schedule and backup strategy. Each CouchbaseBackup resource creates one or two Kubernetes CronJob resources that will spawn backup jobs according to the given Cron schedule(s). These backup jobs execute a helper script that performs logging and cleanup and utilizes cbbackupmgr to perform backup and restore.
See the official documentation for system requirements and detailed setup instructions:
couchbase/operator-backup may only be used along with Couchbase Autonomous Operator Enterprise Edition. You can find licensing details on the Couchbase Legal Agreements page under “License Agreement.”
As detailed in the License Agreement referenced above, it is available free of charge for unlimited pre-production development and testing, with support only from our Couchbase Forums.
docker pull couchbase/operator-backup