
By cvtalrc

Updated 14 days ago

RESTful API for symbol detection, SBOL3 file generation, and ML-based image processing.

API Management
Databases & Storage
Machine Learning & AI


GC-AI Backend 🧠

The GC-AI Backend is the core processing service of the GC-AI web application. It provides a RESTful API for symbol detection, SBOL3 file generation, and file conversion.

⚙️ Exposed Ports

The following ports are exposed by the GC-AI Backend container:

5001Main API endpoint for backend services

⚠️ The backend must run on port 5001 to ensure proper communication with other services.

🔗 Key Endpoints

The GC-AI Backend provides several RESTful API endpoints:

🛠 Component Endpoints
  • GET /names - Retrieve a list of part names based on a specific role.
  • GET /interactions - Get participation types for a specific interaction type.
  • GET /details - Retrieve details of a component based on its name.
📂 File Endpoints
  • POST /create - Generate validated SBOL3 files.
  • POST /convert - Convert SBOL3 files to GenBank and/or FASTA formats.
🔬 Inference Endpoints
  • POST / - Process an image and return predictions.
❤️ Health Endpoints
  • GET / - Check the application's health and its services.

🛠 Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be configured when running the container:

VariableDefault ValueDescription
MYSQL_HOSTdatabaseMySQL database host
MYSQL_PORT3306MySQL database port
MYSQL_USERrootMySQL database user
MYSQL_PASSigemparts2024MySQL database password
MYSQL_DBgc_ai_dbDatabase name

📚 More Information

For detailed documentation, API references, and additional resources, visit the official repository:

🔗 GC-AI Repository:GitHub - GC-AI Environment

The repository includes:

  • 📖 API Documentation – Detailed explanations of each endpoint, including parameters, request examples, and responses.
  • 📝 User Guide – Step-by-step instructions on how to use the application.
  • 📁 Examples Folder – Sample files and use cases to better understand the functionality.
  • 🎥 Video Tutorial – A walkthrough demonstrating the application's workflow and features.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cvtalrc/gc-ai-backend