
By cyb3rdoc

Updated 7 days ago

OneNVR - One Network Video Recorder for All Your Cameras

Monitoring & Observability


OneNVR - One Network Video Recorder for All Your Cameras

This is a simple and lightweight Network Video Recorder (NVR) that is designed to run on cheap hardware, such as a Raspberry Pi with a hard drive. 24/7 video streams from network cameras are saved. Recorded files can be browsed through native web interface (http://onenvr_ip:port).

The project is deliberately bare-bones, configuration is done through config.yaml file and deployed using docker containerization.

The camera video streams are saved in 5 minute files (to prevent long periods of video loss should a file become corrupted). At 02:00 UTC, the video files for the previous day are concatenated into a single 24 hour file, and the 5 minute video files are deleted. The concatenation is performed in a way to prevent disk I/O exhaustion and impact on ongoing recording. At 01:00 UTC, the video files older than 7 days are deleted. With local timezone environment variable, the concatenation and deletion tasks will be performed at local time 02:00 and 01:00 respectively. Period of retention, concatenation and deletion times can be configured with config.yaml file.

ffmpeg is used to connect to the camera streams and save the video feeds. Recording will restart automatically in case of unexpected interruption.

Configuration Options

  1. Use TZ=America/New_York environment variable in docker run command or docker-compose.yml file to have filenames in local timezone of New York.
  2. The length of video segments from live streams can be configured by updating interval: 300 to desired value in seconds (minimum 60) in config.yaml file. (Optional)
  3. Any codec supported by ffmpeg can be used (E.g., libx264) instead of default (and recommended) codec: copy however this will depend on hardware capabilities and increase processing strain for system.
  4. Set retention period of video files by updating retention_days: 7 to your desired days in config.yaml file. (Optional)
  5. Disable concatenation of short video clips to single video file by setting concatenation: false in config.yaml file. (Optional)
  6. Time to run concatenation can be set by updating concatenation_time: "02:00" to desired time. (Optional)
  7. Time to run deletion of old recordings can be set by updating deletion_time: "01:00" to desired time. (Optional)
  8. For password protected RTSP streams, you need pass the argument in RTSP URL configuration. The URL might vary based on your camera. E.g., rtsp://user:password@camera-ip/live/stream_01
  9. Logs can be accessed in native docker logs with command docker logs onenvr. For detailed logs, use docker environment variable DEBUG=true in docker run command or docker-compose.yml file.

Build image using Dockerfile

Clone the repo to build your own image.

TIMESTAMP="$(date '+%Y%m%d-%H%M')"

docker build -t "${USER?}/onenvr:${TIMESTAMP}" .

Run onenvr docker container:

docker run -d --name onenvr -p 80:5000 -v /path/to/onenvr/config:/config -v /path/to/onenvr/storage:/storage your_username/onenvr:YYYYMMDD-HHMM

Mount following volumes to update camera settings and access or backup stored video files.

  1. /config - For NVR configuration
  2. /storage - For recorded videos

Using docker-compose.yml

You can also use prebuilt image cyb3rdoc/onenvr:latest with docker-compose.yml.

    container_name: onenvr
    hostname: onenvr
    image: cyb3rdoc/onenvr:latest
      - "80:5000"
      - TZ=America/New_York
      - DEBUG=false
      - /path/to/onenvr/config:/config
      - /path/to/onenvr/storage:/storage
    restart: unless-stopped

NVR Logs

Logs can be accessed with docker logs onenvr. For detailed logs, use docker environment variable DEBUG=true in docker run command or docker-compose.yml file.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cyb3rdoc/onenvr