A BOM repository server for distributing CycloneDX BOMs
A BOM repository server for distributing CycloneDX BOMs.
You can test it out locally using Docker by running:
docker run --env REPO__DIRECTORY=/repo --env ALLOWEDMETHODS__GET="true" --env ALLOWEDMETHODS__POST="true" --env ALLOWEDMETHODS__DELETE="true" --tty --interactive -p 8000:80 cyclonedx/cyclonedx-bom-repo-server
Or, if you would like to persist BOM repository storage between runs:
mkdir repo
docker run --volume "$(pwd)/repo":/repo --env REPO__DIRECTORY=/repo --env ALLOWEDMETHODS__GET="true" --env ALLOWEDMETHODS__POST="true" --env ALLOWEDMETHODS__DELETE="true" --tty --interactive -p 8000:80 cyclonedx/cyclonedx-bom-repo-server
The server supports Swagger/Open API Specification.
The JSON endpoint is /swagger/v1/swagger.json
. The UI can be accessed at
A summary of the available endpoints and methods are below:
Path | HTTP Method | Required Parameters | Optional Parameters | Description |
/bom | GET | serialNumber | version | If only the serialNumber parameter is supplied, retrieve the latest version of the BOM from the repository. If providing serialNumber and version , a specific version of the BOM will be retrieved. Supports HTTP content negotiation for all CycloneDX BOM formats and versions. |
/bom | POST | BOM content in request body and appropriate Content-Type header | Adds a new BOM to the repository. Supports all CycloneDX BOM formats and versions. If the submitted BOM does not have a serial number, one will be generated. If the BOM does not have a version the next version number will be added. The response will contain an appropriate Location header to reference the BOM in the repository. | |
/bom | DELETE | serialNumber | version | If only the serialNumber parameter is supplied, all versions of the BOM will be deleted from the repository. If serialNumber and version are supplied, only the specific version will be deleted from the repository. |
NOTE: BOM serial numbers should be unique for a particular device/software version. When updating an existing BOM for the same software version, the BOM serial number should remain the same, and the version number should be incremented. For this reason, updating an existing BOM version is not supported. There is, of course, nothing to prevent deleting an existing BOM version and re-publishing it with the same serial number and version. But this is not recommended.
Retrieving a BOM from the repository
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/vnd.cyclonedx+json; version=1.3"
Adding a new BOM to the repository
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.cyclonedx+json; version=1.3" -d "{\"bomFormat\":\"CycloneDX\",\"specVersion\":\"1.3\",\"serialNumber\":\"urn:uuid:3e671687-395b-41f5-a30f-a58921a69b79\",\"version\":1,\"components\":[{\"type\":\"library\",\"name\":\"acme-library\",\"version\":\"1.0.0\"}]}"```
Deleting a BOM from the repository
curl -X DELETE "" -H "accept: */*"
The server can be configured by changing the appsettings.json
file or setting
the following environment variables
Environment Variable Name | Supported Values | Description | Default Value |
REPO__DIRECTORY | Any valid directory path | The directory BOMs are stored | Repo |
ALLOWEDMETHODS__GET | true or false | Allows or forbids BOM retrieval | false |
ALLOWEDMETHODS__POST | true or false | Allows or forbids BOM creation | false |
ALLOWEDMETHODS__DELETE | true or false | Allows or forbids BOM deletion | false |
Authentication and authorization are expected to be configured at the web server or API gateway level.
For simplicity of deployment the allowed methods can be configured, and default to safe options (everything is forbidden by default).
It is recommended to deploy two instances of the BOM repository server.
One, requiring authentication and additional security controls, with GET and POST methods permitted to support publishing BOMs.
And a second instance, public facing, with only the GET method enabled. And authentication configured if required.
More advanced authentication and authorization use cases should be handled with a solution like an API gateway. And are considered out of scope of this project.
NOTE: It is recommended, subject to your operational environment and risk profile, to not require authentication for public facing instances. This enables downstream consumers, who might not have a direct commercial arrangement with your organization, to retrieve BOMs.
The CycloneDX BOM Repository Server has been designed as a lightweight, high performance, BOM repository server. Any production web server should be capable of running it.
However, there is an in memory cache of BOM metadata. Memory requirements will differ based on the amount of BOM metadata that requires caching.
All BOMs are converted to Protocol Buffer format before storage for efficiency.
As an alternative to the Docker image, the server can be hosted using Nginx, Apache, IIS, or Kestrel. More information can be found in the Web server implementations in ASP.NET Core documentation.
The server supports sharing repository storage between multiple frontend instances. Which can be used for full active/active high availability clustering.
When deploying to multiple data centres it is recommended to have one master instance that supports publishing BOMs. And use data replication to any other target data centres used for distributing BOMs.
docker pull cyclonedx/cyclonedx-bom-repo-server