
By cytopia

Updated over 1 year ago

Alpine-based multistage-build of yamllint for reproducible usage in CI



Docker image for yamllint



View Dockerfiles on GitHub.

Available Architectures:amd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7, arm/v6, ppc64le, s390x

Tiny Alpine-based dockerized version of yamllint[1]. The image is built nightly against the latest stable version of yamllint and pushed to Dockerhub.

[1] Official project:

:whale: Available Docker image versions


Rolling releaess

The following Docker image tags are rolling releases and are built and updated every night.


Docker TagGit RefYamllintFlavourAvailable Architectures
latestmasterlatestdefaultamd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7, arm/v6, ppc64le, s390x
alpinemasterlatestAlpineamd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7, arm/v6, ppc64le, s390x
1master1.x.xdefaultamd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7, arm/v6, ppc64le, s390x
alpine-1master1.x.xAlpineamd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7, arm/v6, ppc64le, s390x

Point in time releases

The following Docker image tags are built once and can be used for reproducible builds. Its version never changes so you will have to update tags in your pipelines from time to time in order to stay up-to-date.


Docker TagGit RefYamllintFlavourAvailable Architectures
latest-0.10tag: <tag>latestdefaultamd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7, arm/v6, ppc64le, s390x
alpine-latest-0.10tag: <tag>latestAlpineamd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7, arm/v6, ppc64le, s390x
1-0.10tag: <tag>1.x.xdefaultamd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7, arm/v6, ppc64le, s390x
alpine-1-0.10tag: <tag>1.x.xAlpineamd64, i386, arm64, arm/v7, arm/v6, ppc64le, s390x

Where <tag> refers to the chosen git tag from this repository.

:open_file_folder: Docker mounts

The working directory inside the Docker container is /data/ and should be mounted locally to the root of your project where your .yamllint file is located.

:computer: Usage

Command line
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data cytopia/yamllint .
ifneq (,)
.error This Makefile requires GNU Make.

lint: lint-yaml

	@docker run --rm $$(tty -s && echo "-it" || echo) -v $(PWD):/data cytopia/yamllint:latest .
GitLab CI
 - lint

  stage: lint
    name: cytopia/yamllint
    entrypoint: ["/bin/ash", "-c"]
    - yamllint -f colored .

:arrows_counterclockwise: Related #awesome-ci projects

Docker images

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terraform-docstfdocs-hub-imgTerraformTerraform doc generator (TF 0.12 ready) [1]
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yamlfmtyfmt-hub-imgYamlFormat Yaml files [1]
yamllintylint-hub-imgYamlLint Yaml files

[1] Uses a shell wrapper to add enhanced functionality not available by original project.


Visit cytopia/makefiles for dependency-less, seamless project integration and minimum required best-practice code linting for CI. The provided Makefiles will only require GNU Make and Docker itself removing the need to install anything else.

:page_facing_up: License

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019 cytopia

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cytopia/yamllint