
By cyversevice

Updated almost 4 years ago



Project Supported by CyVerseProject Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.DOIlicenseGitHub all releases


Project Jupyter Tensorflow Notebook with CyVerse addins.

Jupyter Lab Datascience image built from the Tensorflow Notebook for CyVerse VICE. Project Jupyter's base image requires a couple additional configuration files for it be compatible with CyVerse Kubernetes orchestration and iRODS data store.

CircleCIDockerHubGitHub commits since tagged versionDocker Cloud Build Status

quick launchtagsize
Docker Image Version (tag latest semver)Docker Image Size (tag)
Docker Image Version (tag 2.2.9 semver)Docker Image Size (tag)
Docker Image Version (tag geospatial-2.2.9 semver)Docker Image Size (tag)


Run Docker locally or on a Virtual Machine

To run the JupyterLab, you must first pull from DockerHub, or activate a CyVerse Account and launch in the Discovery Environment VICE.

The container for running JupyterLab is hosted on DockerHub and can be started locally:

docker pull cyversevice/jupyterlab-tensorflow:latest
docker run -it --rm -d cyversevice/jupyterlab-tensorflow:latest

Run Docker with NVIDIA GPU

docker run --gpus all -it --rm -d cyversevice/jupyterlab-tensorflow:latest

Run Docker container in CyVerse VICE

Unless you plan on making changes to this container, you should just use the existing launch button above.

You can build a new Docker container with additional dependencies from this Docker Hub image by using the FROM cyversevice/jupyterlab-tensorflow:latest at the beginning of your own Dockerfile.

Developer notes

To test the container locally:

docker run --gpus all -it --rm -v /$HOME:/work --workdir /work -p 8888:8888 -e REDIRECT_URL=http://localhost:8888 cyversevice/jupyterlab-tensorflow:latest

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cyversevice/jupyterlab-tensorflow