
By cyversevice

Updated over 3 years ago

RStudio Base built from Rocker R group for Cyverse VICE



Project Supported by CyVerseProject Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.DOIlicense


RStudio with verse dependencies, based on Rocker RStudio Docker container for CyVerse VICE. VICE requires additional configuration files (e.g. nginx) to be compatible with our Condor and Kubernetes orchestration.

CircleCIGH actions branch parameterGitHub commits since tagged versionDocker Pulls

quick launchsize


Run this Docker locally or on a Virtual Machine

To run these containers, you must first pull them from DockerHub

docker pull cyversevice/rstudio:latest
docker run -it --rm -v /$HOME:/app --workdir /app -p 8787:80 -e REDIRECT_URL=http://localhost:8787 cyversevice/rstudio:latest

The default username is rstudio and password is rstudio1. To reset the password, add the flag -e PASSWORD=<yourpassword> in the docker run statement.

Build your own Docker container and deploy on CyVerse VICE

This container is intended to run on the CyVerse data science workbench, called VICE.

Unless you plan on making changes to this container, you should just use the existing launch button above.

Developer notes

To build your own container with a Dockerfile and additional dependencies, pull the pre-built image from DockerHub:

FROM cyversevice/rstudio:latest

Follow the instructions in the VICE manual for integrating your own tools and apps.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull cyversevice/rstudio-base