
By d4kine

Updated about 1 year ago

PS4 exploit host for 5.05, 6.72 or 9.00 without any Al-Azif stuff (armhf)

Developer Tools



A small nginx-container to provide only the required PS4 exploit after the browser has been patched.


  • 9.00 is build with multiarch for AMD64 & ARM64
  • 6.72 psphive is build with multiarch for AMD64 & ARM64, leeful only AMD64
  • For 5.05 only ARM supported yet.


To run, execute the following command: docker run -d -p 8888:80 --name ps4-exploit d4kine/ps4-exploit:6.72-leeful-v9b Exploits can be called afterwards by calling http://hostname:8888/

9.00 Exploits

Same as always ;) This time all credits go to https://kmeps4.site/ which I basically just cloned for local hosting.

6.72 Exploits

Leeful 6.72 or psphive can be used here, where psphive has been extended with GoldHEN 2.4b14 payload.

5.05 Exploits

Exploits can be called over the main-page http://hostname:8888/ or directly by url-prefix:

  • blocker
  • dumper
  • ftp
  • hen+mira
  • linux-loader

Docker Pull Command

docker pull d4kine/ps4-exploit