PS4 exploit host for 5.05, 6.72 or 9.00 without any Al-Azif stuff (armhf)
A small nginx-container to provide only the required PS4 exploit after the browser has been patched.
To run, execute the following command:
docker run -d -p 8888:80 --name ps4-exploit d4kine/ps4-exploit:6.72-leeful-v9b
Exploits can be called afterwards by calling http://hostname:8888/
Same as always ;) This time all credits go to https://kmeps4.site/ which I basically just cloned for local hosting.
Leeful 6.72 or psphive can be used here, where psphive has been extended with GoldHEN 2.4b14 payload.
Exploits can be called over the main-page http://hostname:8888/
or directly by url-prefix:
docker pull d4kine/ps4-exploit