
By daelinc

Updated 7 months ago

Run any version of a Minecraft Paper server with customizable settings.



Minecraft Paper Server Docker Container

This Docker container allows you to run a Minecraft Paper server with customizable settings. Paper is a high-performance fork of the Minecraft server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies as well as optimize server performance.


  • Easily customizable Paper server version and build
  • Configurable memory allocation for the server
  • Automatic acceptance of the Minecraft EULA
  • Automatic downloading of the Paper server jar if it does not exist
  • Persistent server data using Docker volumes

Environment Variables

  • PAPER_VERSION (default: 1.20.6): Specifies the Minecraft version of Paper to download.
  • PAPER_BUILD (default: 147): Specifies the build number of the Paper server to download.
  • MEMORY_SIZE (default: 4G): Specifies the maximum and minimum amount of RAM the server can use.
  • EULA (default: false): Automatically accepts the Minecraft EULA if set to true.

Running the Container

To run the Minecraft Paper server Docker container with persistent data, use the following command:

docker run -d -p 25565:25565 -p 8080:8080 -p 80:80 \
    -v /path/on/host:/minecraft \
    -e PAPER_VERSION=1.20.6 \
    -e PAPER_BUILD=147 \
    -e MEMORY_SIZE=4G \
    -e EULA=true \


You can customize the server by providing different values for the environment variables when running the container. Here are the details:


Specifies the Minecraft version of Paper to download. For example, 1.20.7.


Specifies the build number of the Paper server to download. For example, 148.


Specifies the maximum and minimum amount of RAM the server can use. For example, 8G.


Automatically accepts the Minecraft EULA if set to true. The server will not start unless the EULA is accepted. By default, it is set to false.

Web Console

This image automatically installs the WebConsole plugin which allows you to access the console for your server.

Accessing the console
  • Visit http://localhost:80 on your computer(or replace with the ip address of the server) and click Add new server.
  • Give the server any name you want
  • Set the IP or Domain to the ip of the server (or localhost)
  • Set the Port to the port used by the plugin (8080 by default)
  • Set the Password to the password required by the plugin (mySecurePassword by default)
  • Click on Add server.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull daelinc/minecraft-papermc