
By danielszabo99

Updated over 1 year ago

Official docker image for the self-hosted, open-source pastebin webapplication, MicroBin.





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MicroBin is a super tiny, feature rich, configurable, self-contained and self-hosted paste bin web application. It is very easy to set up and use, and will only require a few megabytes of memory and disk storage. It takes only a couple minutes to set it up, why not give it a try now?

Check out the Public Test Server at pub.microbin.eu!
Or host MicroBin yourself

Run our quick docker setup script (DockerHub):

bash <(curl -s https://microbin.eu/docker.sh)

Or install it manually from Cargo:

cargo install microbin;
curl -L -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/;szabodanika/microbin/master/.env;
source .env;

On our website microbin.eu you will find the following:


  • Is very small
  • Entirely self-contained executable, MicroBin is a single file!
  • Animal names instead of random numbers for pasta identifiers (64 animals)
  • Server-side and client-side encryption
  • File uploads (eg. server.com/file/pig-dog-cat)
  • Raw text serving (eg. server.com/raw/pig-dog-cat)
  • URL shortening and redirection
  • QR code support
  • Very simple database (JSON + files) for portability, easy backups and integration
  • SQLite support
  • Private and public, editable and final, automatically and never expiring uploads
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Automatic dark mode and custom styling support with very little CSS and only vanilla JS (see water.css)
  • Most of the above can be toggled on and off!

What is an upload?

In MicroBin, an upload can be:

  • A text that you want to paste from one machine to another, eg. some code,
  • A file that you want to share, eg. a video that is too large for Discord, a zip with a code project in it or an image,
  • A URL redirect.

When is MicroBin useful?

You can use MicroBin:

  • As a URL shortener/redirect service,
  • To send long texts to other people,
  • To send large files to other people,
  • To serve content on the web, eg. configuration files for testing, images, or any other file content using the Raw functionality,
  • To move files between your desktop and a server you access from the console,
  • As a "postbox" service where people can upload their files or texts, but they cannot see or remove what others sent you - just disable the upload page
  • To take notes! Simply create an editable upload.

...and many other things, why not get creative?

MicroBin and MicroBin.eu are available under the BSD 3-Clause License.

© Dániel Szabó 2022-2023

Docker Pull Command

docker pull danielszabo99/microbin