
By darumatic

Updated almost 2 years ago

Alpine-based Docker image with tools for Apigee CICD workflows.



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Darumatic Apigee CICD Docker Image

This Dockerfile builds a Docker image based on Alpine with various tools and libraries required for working with Apigee in a CICD environment. The image includes the following components:

  • Python 3 and its dependencies
  • Global NPM packages
  • Git-crypt
  • Git-secret


The following dependencies are installed in the Docker image:

  • Python 3 and its development headers
  • GCC, GFortran, Musl, and G++
  • Libffi, OpenSSL, and their development headers
  • LibXML2, LibXSLT, and their development headers
  • LibJPEG-Turbo and Zlib development headers
  • NPM
  • Git
  • Make
  • Coreutils
  • GnuPG and Gawk
  • Bash

Installed Packages

The following Python packages are installed:

  • apigeecli (version 0.51.1 or higher)

The following NPM packages are installed globally:

  • apigeelint
  • newman


To pull the Docker image from Docker Hub, run the following command:

docker pull darumatic/apigee-cicd:latest

To run a container using the pulled image, run the following command:

docker run -it --rm darumatic/apigee-cicd:latest /bin/bash

This will start a new container and open an interactive Bash shell inside it. The working directory inside the container is set to /home/apigee.


This Dockerfile is maintained by Matthew Delotavo:

Email: matthew@darumatic.com

Docker Pull Command

docker pull darumatic/apigee-cicd