Alpine-based Docker image with tools for Apigee CICD workflows.
This Dockerfile builds a Docker image based on Alpine with various tools and libraries required for working with Apigee in a CICD environment. The image includes the following components:
The following dependencies are installed in the Docker image:
The following Python packages are installed:
The following NPM packages are installed globally:
To pull the Docker image from Docker Hub, run the following command:
docker pull darumatic/apigee-cicd:latest
To run a container using the pulled image, run the following command:
docker run -it --rm darumatic/apigee-cicd:latest /bin/bash
This will start a new container and open an interactive Bash shell inside it. The working directory inside the container is set to /home/apigee.
This Dockerfile is maintained by Matthew Delotavo:
Email: matthew@darumatic.com
docker pull darumatic/apigee-cicd