
By datameshmanager

Updated about 19 hours ago

Data Mesh Manager (Community Edition)

API Management
Data Science
Integration & Delivery


Data Mesh Manager (Community Edition)

Data Mesh Manager (Community Edition) is a free version of the Data Mesh Manager that you can host yourself.

In the Community Edition, every user can change any data product or data contract.
If you need advanced role and permission management, SSO, or customizations, consider the Enterprise Edition.


Play with our demo app!

Getting Started

Data Mesh Manager (Community Edition) is available as Docker image datameshmanager/datamesh-manager-ce on Docker Hub.

Start Data Mesh Manager (Community Edition) locally with Docker Compose:

git clone
cd datamesh-manager-ce
docker compose up --detach

Now you can access the Data Mesh Manager (Community Edition) at http://localhost:8081.

NOTE: The Docker Compose configuration uses a dummy mail server, so no mails are actually sent. Configure your SMTP host accordingly as environment variables.


Configure an external database and mail server for production use.

Environment VariableExampleDescription
DATAMESHMANAGER_HOSThttp://localhost:8081The host of the application
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URLjdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/postgresJDBC URL of the database
SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAMEpostgresLogin username of the database
SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORDpostgresLogin password of the database
SPRING_MAIL_HOSTsmtp.example.comSMTP server host
SPRING_MAIL_USERNAMELogin user of the SMTP server
SPRING_MAIL_PASSWORDLogin password of the SMTP server

Reporting bugs and feature requests

Want to report a bug or request a feature? Open an issue.


The Data Mesh Manager (Community Edition), being made available as a Docker image, is licensed under the Community License.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull datameshmanager/datamesh-manager-ce