
By devcoderz2014

Updated 7 months ago

IBM MQ broker archs: arm64(M1/2/3). username: admin / password: passw0rd

Message Queues


Once pulled on your environment, to use this IBM MQ image, it will be easier to use a docker-compose.yml file. Here below a docker-compose.yml example content :

version: "3.7" services: ibmmq-dev9: restart: always container_name: ibmmq-dev9-arm64 image: "devcoderz2014/ibmmq_9_4_0_0-arm64:1.0" ports: - "1414:1414" - "9443:9443" environment: - MQ_DEV=true - LICENSE=accept - MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 - MQ_APP_PASSWORD=pass1234 - MQ_ADMIN_PASSWORD=passw0rd volumes: - mqdata:/mnt/mqm volumes: mqdata:

for the ports, the env. variables check the official documentation of IBM MQ.

Just run the docker compose command.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull devcoderz2014/ibmmq_9_4_0_0-arm64