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By DevOps Infra

Updated 4 days ago

Simplified environment with Make and Docker to be used as CI/CD runner for more complicated images

Integration & Delivery


Dockerized simplified environment with Make and Docker to be used as CI/CD runner for more complicated images, like docker-simple-runner

Docker image with Make, Docker and Python

Docker image is available at DockerHub under devopsinfra/docker-simple-runner.
For example:

  • devopsinfra/docker-simple-runner:latest

Source code is available at devopsinfra/docker-simple-runner.

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GitHubGitHub code size in bytesGitHub last commitPush to masterPush to other
DockerHubDockerfile sizeDocker Pulls
DockerHubDocker versionImage size


To be done


To be done

For example: To be done

Additional software available

bashBinaryFor color output. Assures also access to some builtins.
dockerBinaryFor running another container, e.g. my devopsinfra/docker-terragrunt
makeBinaryFor using Makefile instead of scripts in deployment process.
ncursesBinaryFor expanding Makefile with some colors.
python3BinaryFor running more complex scripts during deployment process.
requestsPython libraryFor sending HTTP requests, for example integration with Slack
slack_sdkPython libraryFor integration with Slack applications/bots, e.g. creating channels for notifications

Docker Pull Command

docker pull devopsinfra/docker-simple-runner