
By dex2build

Updated about 2 months ago

MASSA Blockchain Node :: Docker Image ::

Databases & Storage
Developer Tools


MASSA Blockchain Node :: Docker Image

The MASSA blockchain node ( ) can be launched with a single command using the Docker containerization technology.

Important! Before proceeding further, make sure that Docker is installed on your server. More details here:

Link to Github repository:

Link to Docker repository:

Simple one-line launch:

Starting the node with docker run:

docker network create --driver="bridge" --ipv6 "massa-network" && \
docker container run \
  --detach \
  --env=MASSA_PASS="" \
  --env=MASSA_ADDRESS="$(curl" \
  --hostname="massa-node" \
  --init \
  --name="massa_node" \
  --network="massa-network" \
  --publish="31244:31244" \
  --publish="31245:31245" \
  --publish="33035:33035" \
  --publish="33037:33037" \
  --restart="unless-stopped" \

MASSA_PASS - Specify your own password or leave this variable empty so that the container generates and remembers a random password. If you leave this field blank, the generated password will be listed in the first lines of the logs of the running container, and you can also get it in the /home/massa/massa_node/massa-pass.txt file inside your container.


You must keep the value of the MASSA_PASS in a safe place because all your data will be encrypted with this password.

If you lose this password and the secret key of your wallet, you will lose access to your savings.

MASSA_ADDRESS - Specify your external address so that your node is a full member of the network.

Using the MASSA client to configure the node

docker container exec -ti massa_node

You also can use client commands:

docker container exec -ti massa_node get_status

Access to the host shell

docker container exec -ti massa_node bash

Watch node logs

docker container logs -f massa_node

Expert mode:

Clone repository

cd ~ && \
git clone ./massa-node-docker && \
cd ./massa-node-docker

Build image

docker buildx build \
  --no-cache \
  --progress="plain" \
  --tag="massa-node:latest" \

Create a separated network

docker network create --driver="bridge" --ipv6 "massa-network"

Create container

docker container create \
  --env=MASSA_PASS="" \
  --env=MASSA_ADDRESS="$(curl" \
  --hostname="massa-node" \
  --init \
  --name="massa_node" \
  --network="massa-network" \
  --publish="31244:31244" \
  --publish="31245:31245" \
  --publish="33035:33035" \
  --publish="33037:33037" \
  --restart="unless-stopped" \

MASSA_PASS - Specify your own password or leave this variable empty so that the container generates and remembers a random password

MASSA_ADDRESS - Specify your external address so that your node is a full member of the network

Start container

docker container start massa_node

Stop container

docker container stop massa_node

Remove container

docker container rm massa_node

Remove image

docker image rm massa-node:latest

Remove network

docker network rm massa-network

Docker Pull Command

docker pull dex2build/massa-node