
By dhis2

Updated 2 minutes ago

Official development images of DHIS2 Core

Databases & Storage
Languages & Frameworks


Quick reference

Supported tags

  • dhis2/core - images of the release and release-candidate DHIS2 versions. These images represent the stable DHIS2 versions, meaning they won't be rebuilt in the future.

  • dhis2/core-dev - images of the latest development DHIS2 versions - branches master (tagged as latest) and the previous 3 supported major versions. Image tags in this repository will be overwritten multiple times a day.

  • dhis2/core-canary - images of the latest daily development DHIS2 versions. We tag the last core-dev images for the day and add an extra tag with a "yyyyMMdd"-formatted date, like core-canary:latest-20230124.

  • dhis2/core-pr - images of PRs made from https://github.com/dhis2/dhis2-core and not from forks. As forks do not have access to our organizations/repos secrets.

Multi-architecture images

Multi-platform images for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 are published starting with

  • 2.39.1-rc
  • the release after
  • the release after 2.37.9

What is DHIS2?

DHIS2 is an open source, web-based platform most commonly used as a health management information system (HMIS). It allows for data capture through clients ranging from web browsers, Android devices, Java feature phones and SMS. DHIS2 features data visualization apps for dashboards, pivot tables, charting and GIS. It provides metadata management and configuration. The data model and services are exposed through a RESTful Web API.

How to use this image

Using Docker Compose

The easiest way to get familiar with DHIS2 in Docker is to start running it locally using Docker Compose.

https://github.com/dhis2/dhis2-core/blob/master/docker-compose.yml has an up-to-date docker-compose.yml that you can run using with

DHIS2_IMAGE=dhis2/core-dev:latest docker compose up

The above will start the latest development version of DHIS2 with PostgreSQL.

dhis-core/README has more details on how to run DHIS2 using Docker Compose for development.

Using Docker

The following command is the bare minimum you need to run DHIS2 in Docker

docker run \
    --volume $HOME/code/dhis2/core/docker/dhis.conf:/opt/dhis2/dhis.conf:ro \

This assumes that you have a PostgreSQL DB that is accessible by DHIS2 with the appropriate settings in dhis.conf.

Please refer to the Docker documentation for more details on how to run Docker containers.

How to configure this image

Context path

To deploy DHIS2 under a different context then root (/) configure the context path by setting the environment variable

CATALINA_OPTS: "-Dcontext.path='/dhis2'"

DHIS2 should be available at http://localhost:8080/dhis2.


Previously, the Docker image was built with the environment variable DHIS2_HOME set to /DHIS2_home. This is not the case anymore, instead DHIS2_HOME will fallback to its default/opt/dhis2. You can still run the Docker image with the old behavior by setting the environment variable DHIS2_HOME to /DHIS2_home.


We cannot recommend the images for use in production. At this point we don’t have enough experience and therefore can’t vouch for their stability for “mission critical” production use. We are not saying that someone experienced with running Docker in production shouldn’t use them. In other words, anyone deciding to use DHIS2 in Docker should be aware that they are doing so at their own risk. If you decide to go for it, make sure you perform enough security, performance and stress testing.


View license information for the software contained in this image.

As with all Docker images, these likely also contain other software which may be under other licenses (such as Bash, etc from the base distribution, along with any direct or indirect dependencies of the primary software being contained).

Docker Pull Command

docker pull dhis2/core-dev