
By dhitchenor

Updated 14 days ago

A multi-arch container for Hubzilla, based on Alpine Linux, Nginx, and Postgres/MariaDB

Content Management System
Web Servers


Hubzilla Docker image

Hubzilla as a docker image (based on php:8.2-fpm-alpine) in a multi-arch (amd64, armv6/7, arm64) format.


  • Automatic setup
  • Integral addons, preinstalled
  • env file for easy configuration/toggling of features

Supported environment variables:

DB_TYPEDatabase type: postgres or mysql
DB_HOSTHost name of the database
DB_PORTDatabase port number, set to empty to use the default of your DB_TYPE (aka 3306 for mysql)
DB_NAMEDatabase name
DB_USERDatabase user
DB_PASSWORDDatabase user password
REQUIRE_EMAILRequire email address to register
REGISTER_POLICYAllow (or disallow) new user registrations
SMTP_HOSTMail server hostname
SMTP_PORTMail server port number
SMTP_USERUser name for the mail server
SMTP_DOMAINMail domain
SMTP_PASSPassword for the user on the mail server, if set empty, then no authentication on the smtp server will be used
DOMAINWeb domain name for hubzilla
ADMIN_EMAILAdministrators email of the deployed hub
REDIS_PATHIf set (to something like " tcp://redis") then php sessions will be stored in this redis server (useful for horizontal scalability)
LDAP_SERVERLDAP server name (dont forget to add "ldapauth" to the ADDON_LIST)
LDAP_ROOT_DNLDAP username to connect to (ex: cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=com)
LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORDPassword for that LDAP user
LDAP_BASEPath to look for users in the directory (ex: ou=people,,dc=domain,dc=com)
ADDON_LISTAddons to install/activate during initial configuration

Quick Setup

1. Clone git repository to your server (or wherever you desire Hubzilla to be deployed from).

  • eg: git clone https://github.com/dhitchenor/hubzilla
    • NOTE: you will need to install git for this to work, otherwise you can download the repository in a zip file from GitHub

2. Edit nginx.conf:

  • on line 19, change domain.com to your desired server name (eg. funnylookingfaces.com, or www.potatogram.net)
  • on line 43, change hub:9000 to match the name (not, container name) of your hubzilla container in your docker-compose.yml file
    • NOTE: retain the port (:9000) on this line (see screenshot) hub_9000.png

3. Edit .env file

  • depending on the database that you are using, uncomment/comment the appropriate lines, ENSURE the code for the unused database is commented out
    • HINT: don't change any port numbers, unless you have to; including database ports, nginx ports, hubzilla ports
  • change the DOMAIN value to reflect the domain name that you changed earlier, in the nginx.conf file
  • change the DB agnostic options to reflect your desired database credentials
    • HINT: if you already have a database, you will need to change the values of DB_NAME, DB_USER, and DB_PASSWORD to reflect that database; if no database is present, a database is created for you using these details
    • HINT: DB_HOST should match the name (not, container name) of the database container used for hubzilla or within the docker-compose.yml file (see screenshot) hub_db.png

4. Edit docker-compose.yml file

  • depending on the database that you are using, uncomment/comment the appropriate healthcheck lines, ENSURE the code for the unused database is commented out
  • change all code in between the <> symbols, to reflect the appropriate local directories (2 in total, under volumes)
    • NOTE: do not keep the <> symbols; remove them

5. Ensure placement of files

  • if you have changed the location of any files that you gained when cloning this git repository, ensure the changes are reflected within the docker-compose.yml file
    • HINT: by default, the '.env' file should be in the same directory as the docker-compose file
    • HINT: by default, the nginx.conf file is in the config folder, which is in the same directory as the docker-compose file

6. Run docker compose

  • eg, docker-compose up -d (or docker-compose up if you want to see the output of the deployment), and navigate to your domain (in a web browser), after deployment has finished.
    • NOTE: the new version of Ddocker compose is out (usage: docker compose up -d or docker compose up if you want to see the output, as before)
    • the version level in the docker-compose.yml file is not necessary in the new version of docker compose; for backwards compatibility, it has been retained

Docker Pull Command

docker pull dhitchenor/hubzilla