
By dinkel

Updated about 8 years ago

phpLDAPadmin using the Nginx webserver on Debian stable.




A Docker image running phpLDAPadmin using the Nginx webserver on Debian stable. It is expected to link to a running OpenLDAP server.

NOTE: Never expose this application directly to the internet as it runs as insecure HTTP only - on purpose. It is expected that this application resides behind a reverse proxy of some kind that deals with securing the site.


Normally the application is started like so:

docker run -d -p 80:80 --link openldap:openldap dinkel/phpldapadmin

Configuration (environment variables)

LDAP_SERVER_HOST (defaults to 'openldap')

sets the host of the LDAP server.

LDAP_SERVER_PORT (defaults to '389')

sets the port of the LDAP server.

UNIQUE_ATTRS (defaults to 'mail,uid,uidNumbers')

sets which attributes are checked for uniqueness by phpLDAPadmin (n.b. that this might be different to what is configured in your LDAP server).

Todo / Restrictions

Currently only unencrypted communication between this application and a LDAP server ist supported, because I don't have access to a TLS and/or SASL secured server and therefore cannot test it. It should however be quite trivial to enhance bootstrap.sh in an analogous manner to support such scenarios. I would be happy to se some merge requests or you could send me a note and I will consider enhancing it.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull dinkel/phpldapadmin