
By diyaps

Updated 10 months ago

Nightscout enabled remote overrides. Support raspberry pi 4 and Xiaomi router AX9000.

Integration & Delivery



Nightscout docker with remote overrides and loop support for ARM64 v8 including Raspberry Pi 4 and Xiaomi router AX9000


I update the docker-compose.yml file form pyrmon/nightscout-docker. Thank you!

Requirements for this to work

  • Any sort of Linux Computer/Server, have tested it both on ARM processors and AMD processors
  • Docker and Docker-Compose installed (google it if you don't know how to do that)
  • Administrative access to your router

Setup Nightscout

  • I have included the Dockerfile that I used, but it is for refrence only
  • First Clone this repository to your server and go into the folder
git clone && cd nightscout-docker
  • Edit the docker-compose-amd.yml file
    • Change the API_SECRET value to a password with the min length of 12, I don't know if all special characters are okay
    • Change the BASE_URL to the webadress you want to access Nightscout from later on
      • if you don't know this yet then wait for my instructions (which I will write later) where I tell you how you can get a free domain
    • Change the LOOP_APNS_KEY value to the ENTIRE contents of your downloaded Apple .p8 file including the BEGIN and END lines.
    • Change the LOOP_APNS_KEY_ID to the string of characters on the .p8 download file immediately following the underscore ( _ ) and not including the file extension ( .p8 ), or you can get it from your saved key in your developer account.
    • Change the LOOP_DEVELOPER_TEAM_ID value to the string where you get from Loop app signing or in your developer account's top right corner under your name.
    • If you don't use mmol/L then you can change DISPLAY_UNITS value to mg/dl
      # admin secret
      - API_SECRET=xxxxxxxxxxxx
      # the URL to this Nightscout instance
      - BASE_URL=
      # The content of your Apple p8 key file.
      - LOOP_APNS_KEY=xxxxxxxxxxxx
      # The ID of your Apple p8 key.
      - LOOP_APNS_KEY_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxx
      # The team ID of your apple developer account.
      - LOOP_DEVELOPER_TEAM_ID=xxxxxxxxxxxx
      # use SI units by default
      - DISPLAY_UNITS=mmol/L
docker-compose up -d

Docker Pull Command

docker pull diyaps/nightscout