Simple expressjs site with a status route for simulating web site failure.
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Simple espress js site with route to simulate site failure.
Built for testing kubernetes, EKS and RANCHER instances.
Repository at:
Web site should be available on port 8080
Returns a JSON payload with basic process and os information that is useful.
GET /__health
version: '2.0.0',
status: 'OK',
hostname: 'os.hostname()...',
versions: 'process.versions...',
process: {
uptime: 'process.uptime...',
memoryUsage: 'process.memoryUsage()...',
platform: 'process.platform...',
arch: 'process.arch...',
title: 'process.title...'
cpus: 'os.cpus()...',
network: 'os.networkInterfaces()...',
environment: 'process.env...'
You can force the instance to throw http 500, timeout or you can kill the process.
docker pull dmportella/expressjs