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By Docker, Inc.

Updated over 9 years ago

An image for use in the Docker demo tutorial

Languages & Frameworks
Integration & Delivery


Whalesay contains an adaption of the Linux cowsay game. The game was originally written in 1999 by Tony Monroe. The cowsay code in this image has three modifications:

  • the default.cow is now a Docker whale
  • a docker.cow was added
  • a modification to the to disable interactive feature -This image is used by the Docker demo tutorial purely as a teaching tool.

How to use this image

$ docker run docker/whalesay cowsay boo
    < boo >
                                            ##        .            
                                ## ## ##       ==            
                         ## ## ## ##      ===            
                 /""""""""""""""""___/ ===        
        ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~   
                 \______ o          __/            
                    \    \        __/             


FROM ubuntu:14.04

# install cowsay, and move the "default.cow" out of the way so we can overwrite it with "docker.cow"
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y cowsay --no-install-recommends && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
	&& mv /usr/share/cowsay/cows/default.cow /usr/share/cowsay/cows/orig-default.cow

# "cowsay" installs to /usr/games
ENV PATH $PATH:/usr/games

COPY docker.cow /usr/share/cowsay/cows/
RUN ln -sv /usr/share/cowsay/cows/docker.cow /usr/share/cowsay/cows/default.cow

CMD ["cowsay"]

Docker Pull Command

docker pull docker/whalesay