
By dockerpjhuang

Updated 2 months ago



A Docker image offering a multi-user environment integrating JupyterHub, R, RStudio, and Shiny for educational and research purposes.

Key Features:

JupyterHub: Multi-user interactive computing for Python, R, and more.

R and RStudio: Comprehensive R environment with RStudio IDE.

Shiny: Built-in Shiny Server for hosting R web applications.

Pre-installed Packages: Includes popular R libraries and Shiny dependencies.

Customizable: Extendable with additional packages or configurations.

Use Cases:

Teaching and collaboration in Python, R, and Shiny development.

Reproducible research and data visualization for teams.

Quick Start:

Pull the image:

docker pull dockerpjhuang/jupyterhub

Run the container:

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 dockerpjhuang/jupyterhub

Access via http://localhost:8000

login: admin password: admin

Docker Pull Command

docker pull dockerpjhuang/jupyterhub