To build: docker build -t docs/tools:linkchecker
(but the image is built automatically by Docker Cloud on push to this repository)
The configuration file linkchecker.conf
is copied into the image at build time.
Basic usage:
docker run docs/tools:linkchecker
By default, checks the contents of /usr/src/app/target/index.html
and all
linked files. This represents the contents of the docs/
Results are sent to stdout
and if a broken link is found, an error is logged.
Check the live site:
Set the environment variable LOCAL
to 0
to check the live site instead of the local files.
docker run --env local=0 docs/tools:linkchecker
Check a different remote site:
Defaults to checking, but
you can pass a different URL at runtime using the
Docker environment variable:
docker run --env site="" docs/tools:linkchecker
Check external URLs:
Defaults to not checking external URLs because it takes a long time and is bad
behavior to check external URLs several times a day. Set the checkextern
environment variable to 1 to check external URLs:
docker run --env checkextern=1 docs/tools:linkchecker
docker pull docs/tools