This is a containerfile for the "simp_le" Let's encrypt implementation by zenhack ( It's running on Alpine Linux and is only around 60MB in size.
It was inspired by kuba/simp_le
and katta/sim_le
but has a couple of improvements.
Certs are saved in /certs
so you should mount a persistent volume there.
Simple run
If you only want to get some certificates, simply run the container like this:
docker run -ti -p 80:80 -v /etc/nginx/certs:/certs \
dokku/letsencrypt -f account_key.json -f account_reg.json \
-f chain.pem -f cert.pem -f key.pem --email \
-d -d
Entrypoint Override
By default the container starts with an entrypoint-script which passes all arguments you start the container with to
. If you want to start another application, e.g. for debugging or to build something ontop the container, you have to set the environment variable OVERRIDE
. It only needs to be not null, the value doesn't matter.
docker run -ti -p 80:80 -v /etc/nginx/certs:/certs -e "OVERRIDE=1" \
dokku/letsencrypt sh
docker pull dokku/letsencrypt