cli for pinging tcp host:ports for set interval and returning success or failure.
Go package to test and wait on the availability of a TCP host and port. This is mainly used as a pre start script for containers which depend on other services before starting. You can run this first with a defined interval and die if the host:port does not become available.
Feel free to contribute, as I will allow most merges as long as they don't drastically break the usage.
Using docker:
# simply run the docker run command and you will be good to go immediately
$ docker run -it donkeyx/tcp-wait -version
Unable to find image 'donkeyx/tcp-wait:latest' locally
Version '0.9.9'
Git_Hash 'a4f4d51'
Using go get:
# get the package
go get
# add go bin path to your startup shell, bash in this case
echo 'export PATH="~/go/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
# quick run from there like this. If either fails it will return error code and messages to match
tcp-wait -hp localhost:8080,localhost:9090 -t 5
# for help just run with no flags
tcp-wait -h
Usage of /Users/dbinney/go/bin/tcp-wait:
-hp value
<host:port> [host2:port,...] comma seperated list of host:ports
-o string
output in format json/text (default "json")
-t int
timeout (default 20)
version information
### simple (success)
$ ./bin/tcp-wait -hp
{"level":"info","msg":"services are ready!","services":[""],"time":"2020-03-12T17:18:30+10:30"}
### multiple hosts with timeout(1sec) and text as the output
$ ./bin/tcp-wait -hp, -t 1 -o text
INFO[2020-03-12T17:20:15+10:30] services are ready! services="[]"
### multiple hosts with timeout(2sec) and fail condition on one host:port
$ ./bin/tcp-wait -hp,localhost:10000 -t 2
{"level":"warning","msg":"tcp ping failed","tcp-host":"localhost:10000","time":"2020-03-12T17:26:16+10:30"}
{"level":"warning","msg":"tcp ping failed","tcp-host":"localhost:10000","time":"2020-03-12T17:26:17+10:30"}
{"level":"error","msg":"services did not respond","time":"2020-03-12T17:26:18+10:30"}
You can just clone down the repo, then use the make file to build the packages. They will be placed in a local bin folder, with linux/mac and a local env build. You can execute them directly from that path.
# build and run using make all
$ make all
go get
go test -v ./...
=== RUN TestSuccessSingle
--- PASS: TestSuccessSingle (0.01s)
=== RUN TestFailureDouble
{"level":"warning","msg":"tcp ping failed","tcp-host":"nowhere:50","time":"2020-03-13T11:38:45+10:30"}
{"level":"warning","msg":"tcp ping failed","tcp-host":"nowhere:51","time":"2020-03-13T11:38:45+10:30"}
--- PASS: TestFailureDouble (0.50s)
ok tcp-wait (cached)
go build -o ./bin/tcp-wait -v
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/linux/tcp-wait -v
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go build -o bin/mac/tcp-wait -v
# structure created with binaries in your local bin directory.
$ tree
├── Dockerfile
├── Makefile
├── bin
│ ├── tcp-wait
│ ├── tcp-wait.darwin.amd64
│ ├── tcp-wait.linux.amd64
│ └──
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── main_test.go
└── tmp
└── test-coverage
├── coverage.html
└── coverage.out.
# Binary should be imediately executable
$ ./bin/tcp-wait
Usage of ./bin/tcp-wait:
-hp value
<host:port> [host2:port,...] comma seperated list of services
-o string
output in format json/text (default "json")
-t int
timeout (default 20)
docker pull donkeyx/tcp-wait