
By dperson

Updated almost 5 years ago





Fluent docker container

What is Fluent?

Fluentd is an open source data collector, which lets you unify the data collection and consumption for a better use and understanding of data.

How to use this image

When started Fluent container will listen on port 5140/udp.

Hosting a Fluent instance

sudo docker run -it -d dperson/fluent


sudo docker run -it --rm dperson/fluent -h

Usage: fluent.sh [-opt] [command]
Options (fields in '[]' are optional, '<>' are required):
    -h          This help
    -t ""       Configure timezone
                possible arg: "[timezone]" - zoneinfo timezone for container

The 'command' (if provided and valid) will be run instead of fluentd


  • TZ - As above, set a zoneinfo timezone, IE EST5EDT


Any of the commands can be run at creation with docker run or later with docker exec -it fluent fluent.sh (as of version 1.3 of docker).

Setting the Timezone
sudo docker run -it -p 5140:5140/udp -d dperson/fluent -t EST5EDT

OR using environment variables

sudo docker run -it -p 5140:5140/udp -e TZ=EST5EDT -d dperson/fluent

Will get you the same settings as

sudo docker run -it --name fluent -p 5140:5140/udp -d dperson/fluent
sudo docker exec -it fluent fluent.sh -t EST5EDT ls -AlF /etc/localtime
sudo docker restart fluent

Complex configuration

Example configs

If you wish to adapt the default configuration, use something like the following to copy it from a running container:

sudo docker cp fluent:/etc/fluent /some/path

You can use the modified configuration with:

sudo docker run -it --name es -p 5140:5140/udp -v /some/path:/etc/fluent:ro\
            -d dperson/fluent

User Feedback


If you have any problems with or questions about this image, please contact me through a GitHub issue.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull dperson/fluent