
By duplicati

Updated 4 months ago

A service for serving Duplicati update files.



Updater service for Duplicati

This project contains a service for serving Duplicati update files.

In essence it shadows a remote storage via KVPSButter and provides a local cache for files, serving as a kind-of CDN of private storage.

Environment variables

The service is prepared for Docker usage and is configured via environment variables.

Required variables:

  • PRIMARY: The KVPSButter connection string where the source files are fetched from
  • CACHEPATH: The path to where cached files will be stored

Optional variables:

  • MAX_NOT_FOUND: The maximum number of 404 responses from the remote to store. Can use b/k/m/g/t/p suffix. Default is 10k.
  • MAX_SIZE: The maximum size of the disk to use for caching. Can use b/k/m/g/t/p suffix. Default is 10m.
  • SEQ_URL: url for logging to Seq
  • SEQ_APIKEY: API key for logging to Seq
  • CACHE_TIME: The duration items are kept cached. Can use s/m/h/d/w suffix. Default is 1d.

Docker Pull Command

docker pull duplicati/update-server