
By eboraas

Updated about 4 years ago

Debian base images, for all currently-available versions (both by name and alias, e.g. eboraas/debian:stable and eboraas/debian:jessie)




This repo contains a list of Dockerfiles used to generate the images available as eboraas/debian on Docker Hub: https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/eboraas/debian/

It also includes a basic script that can be used to generate your own Debian images for Docker.

Each image is essentially an "apt-get dist-upgrade" wrapper around a minbase debootstrap image that I build manually on an occasional basis, so that Docker Hub's Automated Build system can be used to keep them up-to-date without my having to rebuild the debootstrap image daily.

No warranty, etc. Just putting them out there in case anyone wants them and/or wants to see how they were made.


Docker Pull Command

docker pull eboraas/debian